open positions
Ilaria Fragalà
Associate Professor, Dip. Mat. Pol. Milano
Available papers (53):
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V. Amato -
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
The geometric size of the fundamental gap
B. Bogosel
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
The nonlocal isoperimetric problem for polygons: Hardy-Littlewood and Riesz inequalities
A. Cesaroni
I. Fragalà
M. Novaga
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Contemp. Math.
Lattice tilings minimizing nonlocal perimeters
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
Rigidity for measurable sets
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
Symmetry results for variational energies on convex polygons
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
A. Giacomini
(Submitted Paper)
The Multiphase Mumford-Shah Problem
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
A. Giacomini
Optimal partitions for Robin Laplacian eigenvalues
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
A. Giacomini
(Submitted Paper)
Local minimality results for the Mumford-Shah functional via monotonicity
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
A. Giacomini
(Submitted Paper)
Multiphase Free Discontinuity Problems: Monotonicity Formula and Regularity Results
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
- G. Verzini -
B. Velichkov
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
On the honeycomb conjecture for a class of minimal convex partitions
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
On the honeycomb conjecture for Robin Laplacian eigenvalues
B. Bogosel
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
Phase field approach to optimal packing problems and related Cheeger clusters
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
Proof of the honeycomb asymptotics for optimal Cheeger clusters
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Applied Mathematics & Optimization
Sensitivity of the compliance and of the Wasserstein distance with respect to a varying source
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
SIAM J. Control Optim.
A variational method for second order shape derivatives
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper:
Journal of Geometric Analysis
A Faber-Krahn inequality for the Cheeger constant of N-gons
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Math. Program., Ser. B
Shape derivatives for minima of integral functionals
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
J. Lamboley
proceedings of the INdAM Workshop "Geometric properties for parabolic and elliptic PDE's"
Sharp bounds for the p-torsion of convex planar domains
J. J. Alibert -
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Interfaces and Free Boundaries
A nonstandard free boundary problem arising in the shape optimization of thin torsion rods
D. Bucur
I. Fragalà
J. Lamboley
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
Optimal convex shapes for concave functionals
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
P. Seppecher
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Optimal thin torsion rods and Cheeger sets
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
J. Lamboley
- M. Pierre (
Analysis (Munich)
Counterexamples to Symmetry for Partially Overdetermined Elliptic Problems
G. Buttazzo
L. De Pascale
I. Fragalà
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
Erratum to: Topological equivalence of some variational problems involving distances
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Optimality conditions for mass design problems and applications to thin plates
N. Desenzani -
I. Fragalà
Prog. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., Birkhauser
Asymptotics of boundary value problems for supercritical Ginzburg-Landau energies
N. Desenzani -
I. Fragalà
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Concentration of Ginzburg-Landau energies with ``supercritical'' growth
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
Modelling thin plates: a reduction dimension analysis for linear problems under constraint
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
B. Kawohl
Math. Zeitschrift
Overdetermined problems with possibly degenerate ellipticity, a geometric approach
G. Crasta -
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
Zeit. Angew. Math. Phys.
On a long-standing conjecture by Pólya-Szegö and related topics
I. Fragalà
M. S. Gelli
A. Pratelli
Continuity of an optimal transport in Monge problem
G. Crasta -
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
On the role of energy convexity in the web function approximation
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
- G. Lieberman (
Discrete Contin.Dynam. Systems
Regularity and nonexistence results for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations in convex domains
G. Crasta -
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Nachr.
Some estimates for the torsional rigidity of composite rods
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
R. Mahadevan
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Homogenization of second order energies on periodic thin structures
G. Buttazzo
A. Davini
I. Fragalà
- F. Macià (
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelles Journal)
Optimal Riemannian distances preventing mass transfer
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
Journal of Functional Analysis
Second order energies on thin structures: variational theory and non-local effects
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
B. Kawohl
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré
Existence and nonexistence results for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations
I. Fragalà
Lower semicontinuity of $\mu$-quasiconvex integrals
G. Crasta -
I. Fragalà
F. Gazzola
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
A sharp upper bound for the torsional rigidity of rods by means of web functions
A. Braides
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
Asymptotic Anal.
Riemannian approximation of Finsler metrics
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Bounds for the effective coefficients of homogenized low dimensional structures
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
``Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures'', PNLDE, Birkhauser
Variational theory of weak geometrical structures: the measure method and its applications
I. Fragalà
Proceedings of the First HMS2000 International School and Conference on Homogenization'', {\maius GAKUTO} Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., Tokyo (2003)
Homogenized thin structures: optimal bounds
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
J. Convex Anal.
Homogenization of elastic thin structures: a measure-fattening approach
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
J. Geom. Anal.
Convergence of Sobolev Spaces on Varying Manifolds
G. Buttazzo
L. De Pascale
I. Fragalà
Discrete Contin. Dinam. Systems
Topological Equivalence of Some Variational Problems Involving Distances
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Homogenization of thin structures by two-scale method with respect to measures
G. Bellettini
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
J. Convex Anal.
BV Functions with Respect to a Measure and Relaxation of Metric Integral Functionals
G. Bellettini
I. Fragalà
Asymptotic Anal.
Elliptic Approximations to Prescribed Mean Curvature Surfaces in Finsler Geometry
I. Fragalà
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Tangential Calculus and Variational Integrals with Respect to a Measure
I. Fragalà
C. Mantegazza
Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh
On some Notions of Tangent Space to a Measure
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Cl. Sci.
Mean Curvature of a Measure and Related Variational Problems
I. Fragalà
(Degree Thesis)
Rilassamento di Alcuni Problemi Variazionali con Mancanza di Compattezza
3 mar 2021:
Rigidity for measurable sets
15 nov 2001:
Un problema di ottimizzazione per insiemi convessi nel piano: stima della rigidità torsionale tramite funzioni web
16 jun 2025 - 20 jun 2025:
Vito Volterra Meeting in Calculus of Variations 2025
9 jun 2025 - 13 jun 2025:
Summer School "Mathematical Analysis and Applications”
26 may 2025 - 30 may 2025:
INDAM Workshop "Matter of Shapes"
9 jan 2025 - 10 jan 2025:
Calculus of Variations and Free Boundary Problems X
20 may 2024 - 22 may 2024:
50 Anni di Calcolo delle Variazioni
6 jun 2012 - 8 jun 2012:
Variational Problems With Multiple Scales
17 nov 2011 - 17 nov 2011:
Mass Transportation and Related Fields
19 sep 2022 - 23 sep 2022:
Shape Optimisation and Geometric Spectral Theory
29 mar 2021 - 2 apr 2021:
Research School "Shape Optimization, Spectral Geometry and Calculus of Variations"
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