open positions
Lorenzo Brasco
Full Professor, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Available papers (73):
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L. Brasco
Handbook of Calculus of Variations for absolute beginners
F. Bozzola
L. Brasco
Variations on the capacitary inradius
C. Alessi -
L. Brasco
M. Miranda Jr
A Schroedinger operator with confining potential having quadratic growth
L. Brasco
(Submitted Paper)
Beyond Cheeger's constant
F. Bozzola
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
J. Geom. Anal.
The role of topology and capacity in some bounds for principal frequencies
F. Bozzola
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Capacitary inradius and Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities
L. Brasco
F. Prinari
A. C. Zagati
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
Sobolev embeddings and distance functions
F. Bianchi
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
J. London Math. Soc.
An optimal lower bound in fractional spectral geometry for planar sets with topological constraints
F. Bianchi
L. Brasco
A. C. Zagati
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Ann.
On the sharp Hardy inequality in Sobolev-Slobodeckii spaces
L. Brasco
F. Prinari
F. Sk
(Accepted Paper:
J. Funct. Anal.
On Morrey's inequality in Sobolev-Slobodeckij spaces
F. Bianchi
L. Brasco
R. Ognibene
J. Convex Anal.
On the spectrum of sets made of cores and tubes
L. Brasco
F. Prinari
A. C. Zagati
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Anal.
A comparison principle for the Lane-Emden equation and applications to geometric estimates
F. Bianchi
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
The fractional Makai-Hayman inequality
F. Bianchi
L. Brasco
F. Sk
A. C. Zagati
(Accepted Paper:
Rev. Mat. Complut.
A note on the supersolution method for Hardy's inequality
L. Brasco
- E. Lindgren (Accepted Paper:
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
Uniqueness of extremals for some sharp Poincaré-Sobolev constants
L. Brasco
M. M. González
- M. Ispizua (Accepted Paper:
Commun. Contemp. Math
A Steklov version of the torsional rigidity
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
- C. Leone (Accepted Paper:
Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Singular orthotropic functionals with nonstandard growth conditions
L. Brasco
- B. Volzone (Accepted Paper:
Adv. Math.
Long-time behavior for the porous medium equation with small initial energy
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Eng.
Convex duality for principal frequencies
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
- C. Leone -
A. Verde
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
Gradient estimates for an orthotropic nonlinear diffusion equation
L. Brasco
G. De Philippis
G. Franzina
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Partial Differential Equations
Positive solutions to the sublinear Lane-Emden equation are isolated
L. Brasco
E. Cinti
S. Vita
(Accepted Paper:
J. Funct. Anal.
A quantitative stability estimate for the fractional Faber-Krahn inequality
L. Brasco
- D. Gómez-Castro - J. L. Vazquez (Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Characterisation of homogeneous fractional Sobolev spaces
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math.
On principal frequencies and isoperimetric ratios in convex sets
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Lipschitz regularity for orthotropic functionals with nonstandard growth conditions
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
(Accepted Paper:
Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino
An overview on constrained critical points of Dirichlet integrals
L. Brasco
D. Mazzoleni
(Accepted Paper:
On principal frequencies, volume and inradius in convex sets
L. Brasco
- E. Lindgren - M. Stromqvist (Accepted Paper:
J. Evol. Equ.
Continuity of solutions to a nonlinear fractional diffusion equation
L. Brasco
- E. Lindgren -
A. Schikorra
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Math.
Higher Holder regularity for the fractional $p-$Laplacian in the superquadratic case
L. Brasco
- A. Salort (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
A note on homogeneous Sobolev spaces of fractional order
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Bruno Pini Math. Anal. Semin.
On principal frequencies and inradius in convex sets
L. Brasco
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Commun. Contemp. Math.
A sharp estimate à la Calderón-Zygmund for the $p-$Laplacian
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Nonlinear Anal.
A pathological example in Nonlinear Spectral Theory
L. Brasco
M. Squassina
(Accepted Paper:
J. Differential Equations
Optimal solvability for a nonlocal problem at critical growth
L. Brasco
E. Cinti
(Accepted Paper:
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A
On fractional Hardy inequalities in convex sets
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
B. Ruffini
J. Funct. Anal.
Schrödinger operators with negative potentials and Lane-Emden densities
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
- C. Leone -
A. Verde
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
On the Lipschitz character of orthotropic $p-$harmonic functions
L. Brasco
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
A note on some Poincaré inequalities on convex sets by Optimal Transport methods
L. Brasco
- C. Leone -
G. Pisante
A. Verde
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Anal.
Sobolev and Lipschitz regularity for local minimizers of widely degenerate anisotropic functionals
L. Brasco
M. Squassina
- Y. Yang (Accepted Paper:
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S
Global compactness results for nonlocal problems
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Anal. PDE
$C^1$ regularity of orthotropic $p-$harmonic functions in the plane
L. Brasco
G. De Philippis
(Book Chapter)
Spectral inequalities in quantitative form
L. Brasco
- E. Parini (Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
The second eigenvalue of the fractional $p-$Laplacian
L. Brasco
- E. Parini -
M. Squassina
(Accepted Paper:
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
Stability of variational eigenvalues for the fractional $p-$Laplacian
L. Brasco
C. Nitsch
- C. Trombetti (Accepted Paper:
Commun. Contemp. Math.
An inequality à la Szego-Weinberger for the $p-$Laplacian on convex sets
L. Brasco
S. J. N. Mosconi
M. Squassina
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Optimal decay of extremals for the fractional Sobolev inequality
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Ann.
Global Lipschitz continuity for minima of degenerate problems
L. Brasco
- E. Lindgren (Accepted Paper:
Adv. Math.
Higher Sobolev regularity for the fractional $p-$Laplace equation in the superquadratic case
L. Brasco
G. De Philippis
B. Velichkov
Duke Math. J.
Faber-Krahn inequalities in sharp quantitative form
L. Brasco
B. Ruffini
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Compact Sobolev embeddings and torsion functions
L. Brasco
G. Buttazzo
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Improved energy bounds for Schrödinger operators
P. Bousquet -
L. Brasco
- V. Julin (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Lipschitz regularity for local minimizers of some widely degenerate problems
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
Kodai Math. J.
Convexity properties of Dirichlet integrals and Picone-type inequalities
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
On torsional rigidity and principal frequencies: an invitation to the Kohler-Jobin rearrangement technique
L. Brasco
- G. Carlier (Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
On certain anisotropic elliptic equations arising in congested optimal transport: local gradient bounds
L. Brasco
M. Petrache
(Accepted Paper:
Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov.
A continuous model of transportation revisited
L. Brasco
- E. Lindgren - E. Parini (Accepted Paper:
Interfaces Free Bound.
The fractional Cheeger problem
L. Brasco
- R. Magnanini (Accepted Paper:
Springer INdAM Series
The heart of a convex body
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
Manuscripta Math.
On the Hong-Krahn-Szego inequality for the $p-$Laplace operator
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
Arch. Math.
A note on positive eigenfunctions and hidden convexity
L. Brasco
- G. Carlier (Accepted Paper:
Dyn. Games. Appl.
Congested traffic equilibria and degenerate anisotropic PDEs
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
An anisotropic eigenvalue problem of Stekloff type and weighted Wulff inequalities
L. Brasco
C. Nitsch
A. Pratelli
Z. Angew. Math. Phys.
On the boundary of the attainable set of the Dirichlet spectrum
L. Brasco
A. Pratelli
Sharp stability of some spectral inequalities
L. Brasco
G. De Philippis
B. Ruffini
J. Funct. Anal.
Spectral optimization for the Stekloff--Laplacian: the stability issue
L. Brasco
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Geodesics and PDE methods in transport models
L. Brasco
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
An equivalent path functional formulation of branched transportation problems
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Sci.
A survey on dynamical transport distances
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Anal.
Global $L^\infty$ gradient estimates for solutions to a certain degenerate elliptic equation
L. Brasco
- R. Magnanini - P. Salani (Accepted Paper:
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
The location of the hot spot in a grounded convex conductor
L. Brasco
G. Buttazzo
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
A Benamou-Brenier approach to branched transport
L. Brasco
- G. Carlier -
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Congested traffic dynamics, weak flows and very degenerate elliptic equations
L. Brasco
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
Curves of minimal action over metric spaces
8 sep 2021:
A semilinear spectrum for the Dirichlet-Laplacian
8 mar 2017:
A quasilinear equation with orthotropic structure
13 apr 2011:
How to locate the hot spot in a heat conductor?
12 nov 2008:
Sulla formulazione dinamica dei problemi di trasporto di massa
22 jul 2025 - 24 jul 2025:
Workshop on Recent trends in calculus of variations and PDE
23 jun 2025 - 27 jun 2025:
Workshop: Novel methods of PDEs and function spaces
20 may 2024 - 22 may 2024:
50 Anni di Calcolo delle Variazioni
6 nov 2023 - 7 nov 2023:
Nonlinear partial differential equations in Salzburg
27 feb 2023 - 28 feb 2023:
12 sep 2022 - 14 sep 2022:
Fall workshop on nonlinear and nonlocal PDEs
6 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
Variational methods and applications
13 may 2020 - 15 may 2020:
UCLouvain 2020 Workshop on Calculus of Variations
19 jun 2019 - 22 jun 2019:
Nonlinear Averaging and PDEs
31 jan 2019 - 1 feb 2019:
Nonlinear Meeting in Turin
11 oct 2018 - 12 oct 2018:
"New Trends in the Regularity Theory of Partial Differential Equations"
13 jun 2018 - 15 jun 2018:
Workshop on stability of functional inequalities and applications
4 jun 2018 - 8 jun 2018:
Recent advances in Geometric Analysis
31 may 2018 - 1 jun 2018:
Variational and PDE problems in Geometric Analysis
11 dec 2017 - 13 dec 2017:
Mini-conference in PDEs
10 nov 2017 - 11 nov 2017:
Geometric aspects of PDEs
14 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations"
18 jun 2017 - 23 jun 2017:
Harnack's inequalities and nonlinear operators. A conference to celebrate the 70th birthday of Emmanuele DiBenedetto
26 may 2017 - 26 may 2017:
Brescia-Trento Nonlinear Days
25 oct 2016 - 28 oct 2016:
Workshop in Geometric Measure Theory, Shape Optimisation and Free Boundaries
6 oct 2016 - 8 oct 2016:
Research Meeting on Non-local Operators
10 jun 2014 - 13 jun 2014:
Nonlinear partial differential equations and stochastic methods
6 mar 2024 - 7 mar 2024:
CalVaFer - Calculus of Variations in Ferrara
25 oct 2021 - 28 oct 2021:
Virtual PhD School "Kinetic & Mean Field Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications"
5 dec 2014 - 5 dec 2014:
Journée thématique "Optimisation et Contrôle"
16 dec 2011 - 16 dec 2011:
Journée thématique "Calcul des Variations"
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