Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

P. Bousquet - L. Brasco

Lipschitz regularity for orthotropic functionals with nonstandard growth conditions

created by brasco on 17 Sep 2018
modified on 06 Apr 2020


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 17 sep 2018
Last Updated: 6 apr 2020

Journal: Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Pages: 38
Year: 2019


We consider a model convex functional with orthotropic structure and super-quadratic nonstandard growth conditions. We prove that bounded local minimizers are locally Lipschitz, with no restrictions on the ratio between the highest and the lowest growth rate.

Keywords: Degenerate elliptic equations, Lipschitz regularity, Nonstandard growth conditions, orthotropic problems
