Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Workshop in Geometric Measure Theory, Shape Optimisation and Free Boundaries

created by franzina on 05 Jul 2016
modified on 28 Apr 2017

25 oct 2016 - 28 oct 2016   [open in google calendar]

SISSA, Trieste

The aim of the Workshop is to bring together scientists working on these topics to gather and discuss the state-of-the art and (hopefully) to start fruitful collaborations. The conference schedule will be organised so as to leave time for interactions.

A limited number of grants will be available for early stage researchers.

For further informations please visit the webpage of the Workshop

Organizers: Guido De Philippis, Giovanni Franzina.

Speakers: Gohar Aleksanyan, Paolo Baroni, Costante Bellettini, Lorenzo Brasco, Dorin Bucur, Maria Colombo, Francesco Ghiraldin, Alessandro Giacomini, Michael Goldman, Erik Lindgren, Dario Mazzoleni, Quentin Mérigot, Connor Mooney, Aldo Pratelli, Filip Rindler, Berardo Ruffini, Emanuele Spadaro, Bozhidar Velichkov, Davide Vittone.