open positions
Keyword: Gradient flows
Papers related to keyword:
F. Fleißner
(Submitted Paper)
A Kernel-Density-Estimator Minimizing Movement Scheme for Diffusion Equations
F. Fleißner
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Minimal solutions to generalized $\Lambda$-semiflows and gradient flows in metric spaces
F. Fleißner
A Minimizing Movement approach to a class of scalar reaction-diffusion equations
N. Ansini
- S. Fagioli (
Comm Math Sci.
Nonlinear diffusion equations with degenerate fast-decay mobility by coordinate transformation
P. van Meurs
M. Morandotti
SIAM J. App. Math.
Discrete-to-continuum limits of particles with an annihilation rule
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
proceedings of the 2017 SMAI conference
Crowd motion and evolution PDEs under density constraints
A. Tribuzio
Networks and Heterogeneous Media
Perturbations of minimizing movements and curves of maximal slope
F. Fleißner
G. Savaré
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze
Reverse approximation of gradient flows as Minimizing Movements: a conjecture by De Giorgi
F. Fleißner
$\Gamma$-convergence and relaxations for gradient flows in metric spaces: a minimizing movement approach
J. A. Carrillo -
S. Lisini
E. Mainini
Nonlinear Anal. TMA
Gradient flows for non-smooth interaction potentials
J. A. Carrillo -
S. Lisini
E. Mainini
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.-Series A
Uniqueness for Keller-Segel-type chemotaxis models
D. Bucur
G. Buttazzo
U. Stefanelli
Interfaces Free Bound.
Shape flows for spectral optimization problems
S. Fornaro -
S. Lisini
G. Savaré
- G. Toscani (
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.-Series A
Measure valued solutions of sub-linear diffusion equations with a drift term
S. Arnrich - A. Mielke -
M. Peletier
G. Savaré
- M. Veneroni (Preprint)
Passing to the Limit in a Wasserstein Gradient Flow: From Diffusion to Reaction
L. Ambrosio
An overview on calculus and heat flow in metric measure spaces and spaces with Riemannian curvature bounded from below
J. A. Carrillo -
S. Lisini
G. Savaré
- D. Slepčev (
J. Funct. Anal.
Nonlinear mobility continuity equations and generalized displacement convexity
L. Natile
G. Savaré
(Submitted Paper)
A Wasserstein approach to the one-dimensional sticky particle system
D. Matthes - R. J. McCann -
G. Savaré
(Submitted Paper)
A Family of Nonlinear Fourth Order Equations of Gradient Flow Type
J. Dolbeault - B. Nazaret -
G. Savaré
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
A new class of transport distances between measures
S. Daneri
G. Savaré
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Eulerian calculus for the displacement convexity in the Wasserstein distance
A. Mielke -
R. Rossi
G. Savaré
(Accepted Paper:
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
Modeling solutions with jumps for rate-independent systems on metric spaces
L. Ambrosio
S. Lisini
G. Savaré
manuscripta math.
Stability of flows associated to gradient vector fields and convergence of iterated transport maps
R. Rossi
G. Savaré
(Accepted Paper:
Gradient flows of non convex functionals in Hilbert spaces and applications
L. Ambrosio
(Accepted Paper)
Steepest descent flows and applications to spaces of probability measures
L. Ambrosio
N. Gigli
G. Savaré
(Accepted Paper)
Gradient flows with metric and differentiable structures, and applications to the Wasserstein space
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