open positions
Keyword: optimal control
Papers related to keyword:
F. Bagagiolo - A. Festa -
L. Marzufero
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
Hybrid control for optimal visiting problems for a single player and for a crowd
G. Buttazzo
F. P. Maiale
B. Velichkov
Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
Shape optimization problems in control form
E. Davoli
- K. Nik -
U. Stefanelli
(Accepted Paper:
ZAMM- Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
Existence results for a morphoelastic model
F. Santambrogio
- A. Xepapadeas - A. Yannacopoulos (Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Rational expectations equilibria in a Ramsey model of optimal growth with non-local spatial externalities
G. Mazanti -
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci.
Minimal-Time Mean Field Games
G. M. Coclite
- M. Garavello (Submitted Paper)
A Time Dependent Optimal Harvesting Problem with Measure Valued Solutions
G. M. Coclite
- M. Garavello - L. V. Spinolo (Submitted Paper)
Optimal strategies for a time-dependent harvesting problem
G. Dal Maso
- A. DeSimone -
M. Morandotti
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
One-dimensional swimmers in viscous fluids: dynamics, controllability, and existence of optimal controls
M. Bardi
- G. Terrone (
CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences
Periodic homogenization of deterministic control problems via limit occupational measures
G. Barles -
A. Briani
- E. Chasseigne (
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
A Bellman approach for regional optimal control problems in R^N
G. Barles -
A. Briani
- E. Chasseigne (
ESAIM: Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variation
A Bellman approach for two-domains optimal control problems in $R^N$.
M. Eleuteri
L. Lussardi
U. Stefanelli
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S.
Thermal control of the Souza-Auricchio model for shape memory alloys
E. Stepanov
J. Nonlinear and Convex Anal.
Relaxation of optimal control problems with shifted controls
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