24 mar 2025 - 25 mar 2025 [open in google calendar]
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Barcelona
This event is organized to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the mathematical technique known as $\Gamma$-convergence, introduced by Ennio De Giorgi and Tullio Franzoni in 1975.
Originally developed for applied purposes, this technique remains a fundamental tool in the study of various scientific applications, such as homogenization, phase transitions, and the asymptotic analysis of partial differential equations. At the same time, there has been a growing interest within the scientific community in the study of nonlocal problems, which are primarily recognized for their probabilistic significance. In addition to representing a particularly challenging area of mathematics, these problems have become increasingly relevant in material science applications.
The speakers are experts in these fields, and in addition to their contribution, the organizers are exploring the possibility of publishing the conference proceedings. The goal is to provide speakers and interested participants, experts in these areas, the opportunity to report on the state of the art in these fascinating research topics. Proposals from both speakers and the audience are extremely welcome.
This event is incorporated within the Research in Pairs program "A mathematical approach to the homogenization of nonlocal composite materials: $H$-convergence, $G$-convergence and $\Gamma$-convergence", which will take place at CRM in March and April 2025 and will involve some of the speakers.
The registration to the event is free of charge, but mandatory. Registration deadline: 19.03.2025
Organizers: Joaquim Duran Lamiel, Alberto Maione.
Speakers: Andrea Braides, Maicol Caponi, Alessandro Carbotti, Patrick Dondl, Alex Ferrer, Carolin Kreisbeck, Fabio Paronetto, Xavier Ros-Oton, Simone Verzellesi.