Full Professor,
St. Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Research Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Email: stepanov.eugene AT gmail.com
Available papers (56):
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- A. Kroshnin - T. Ma - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
On the signature of squared distance matrices of countable metric measure spaces (2025)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Accepted Paper: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
On the total surface area of potato packings (2024)
- T. Ma - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
On eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operators defining multidimensional scaling on some symmetric spaces (2024)
- P. Barrios - S. Mayorga - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
On a discrete max-plus transportation problem (2024)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
On the Steiner tree connecting a fractal set (2023)
- M. Izydorek - J. Janczewska - S. Kryzhevich - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
Constructive nonholonomic controllability of control affine systems on compact manifolds (2023)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov - V. M. Tortorelli (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Isoperimetric planar clusters with infinitely many regions (2023)
- T. Guo - N. Karagodin - E. Stepanov (Preprint)
Optimal functional product quantization (2023)
- G. Alberti - A. Massaccesi - E. Stepanov (J. Diff. Geom.)
On the geometric structure of currents tangent to smooth distributions (2022)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov - V. M. Tortorelli (J. Geom. Anal.)
Isoperimetric clusters in homogeneous spaces via concentration compactness (2022)
- A. Kroshnin - E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (ESAIM: COCV)
Infinite multidimensional scaling for metric measure spaces (2022)
- E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (J. Differential Equations)
On exterior differential systems involving differentials of Hölder
functions (2022)
- S. Kryzhevich - E. Stepanov (Tchemisova, T.V., Torres, D.F.M., Plakhov, A.Y. (eds) Dynamic Control and Optimization. DCO 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)
Constructive controllability for incompressible vector fields (2021)
- C. Rigoni - E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (J. London Math. Soc.)
Lie brackets of nonsmooth vector fields and commutation of their flows (2020)
- E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (J. Geom. Anal.)
Towards geometric integration of rough differential forms (2020)
- N. Puchkin - V. Spokoiny - E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (Accepted Paper: ESAIM: COCV)
Reconstruction of manifold embeddings into Euclidean spaces via
intrinsic distances (2020)
- S. Kryzhevich - E. Stepanov (J. Differential Equations)
The saga of a fish: from a survival guide to closing lemmas (2019)
- G. Alberti - E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (Accepted Paper: J. Funct. Anal.)
Integration of nonsmooth $\boldsymbol{2}$-forms: from Young to Itô
and Stratonovich (2019)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Ser. A - Mathematics)
Flows of measures generated by vector fields (2018)
- V. Magnani - E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (J. Lond. Math. Soc.)
A rough calculus approach to level sets in the Heisenberg group (2018)
- A. Ponosov - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Control and Optimization)
Smooth dynamics becomes hybrid in the limit (2017)
- E. Stepanov - D. Trevisan (J. Funct. Anal.)
Three superposition principles: currents, continuity equations and
curves of measures (2017)
- A. Chambolle - J. Lamboley - A. Lemenant - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Regularity for the optimal compliance problem with length penalization (2017)
- E. Stepanov - Y. Teplitskaya (J. London Math. Soc.)
Self-contracted curves have finite length (2017)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov - Y. Teplitskaya (Adv. Calc. Var.)
An example of an infinite Steiner tree connecting an uncountable set (2015)
- A. Ponosov - E. Stepanov (St. Petersburg Math. J)
Atomic operators, random dynamical systems and invariant measures (2014)
- V. Georgiev - E. Stepanov (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
Metric cycles, curves and solenoids (2014)
- M. Novaga - A. Sobolevski - E. Stepanov (Pacific J. Math.)
Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Asymptotic optimal location of facilities in a competition between population and industries (2013)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (J. Funct. Anal.)
Structure of metric cycles and normal one-dimensional currents (2013)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (J. Funct. Anal.)
Decomposition of acyclic normal currents in a metric space (2012)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations)
Existence and regularity results for the Steiner problem (2012)
- E. Stepanov (J. Math. Sciences (N.Y.))
Rectifiability of metric flat chains and fractional masses (2010)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Mainini - E. Stepanov (Control Cybernet.)
Stationary configurations for the average distance functional and related problems (2009)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (J. Math. Sciences (N.Y.))
Connecting measures by means of branched transportation networks at finite cost (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli - S. Solimini - E. Stepanov (Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Optimal urban networks via mass transportation (2009)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Opt)
Optimal pricing policies for public transportation networks (2006)
- E. Stepanov (J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.))
Partial geometric regularity of some optimal connected transportation networks (2006)
- M. Drakhlin - E. Litsyn - A. Ponosov - E. Stepanov (J. Nonlinear & Convex Anal.)
Generalizing the property of locality: atomic/coatomic operators and applications (2006)
- M. Miranda Jr - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations)
On one-dimensional continua uniformly approximating planar sets (2006)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Optimal transportation networks as flat chains (2006)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. )
Transport density in Monge-Kantorovich problems with Dirichlet conditions (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Calculus of Variations: Topics from the Mathematical Heritage of Ennio De Giorgi, D. Pallara (ed.), Quaderni di Matematica, Seconda Universit\`{a} di Napoli, Caserta)
Minimization problems for average distance functionals (2004)
- E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (J. Math. Sciences (N.Y.))
Qualitative properties of maximum distance minimizers and average distance minimizers in $\mathbf R^n$ (2004)
- A. Ponosov - E. Stepanov (International conference on fixed point theory and its applications (Valencia, 2003), G.G. Falset, E.L Fuster, B. Sims (ed.), Yokohama publishers, Yokohama )
Invariant measures for generalized random dynamical systems (2004)
- E. Stepanov (Proc. Edunburgh Math. Soc.)
Representation of atomic operators and extension problems (2004)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Optimal transportation networks as free Dirichlet regions for the Monge-Kantorovich problem (2003)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Control Optim.)
On regularity of transport density in the Monge-Kantorovich problem (2003)
- E. Stepanov (J. Nonlinear and Convex Anal.)
Relaxation of optimal control problems with shifted controls (2002)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Oudet - E. Stepanov (Progress in Nonlinear Diff. Equations and their Applications)
Optimal transportation problems with free Dirichlet regions (2002)
- E. Stepanov (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Relaxation and convexity of functionals with pointwise nonlocality (2002)
- E. Stepanov - P. Tilli (Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh - Ser. A. (Mathematics))
On the Dirichlet problem with several volume constraints on the level sets (2002)
- M. Drakhlin - A. Ponosov - E. Stepanov (Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.)
On some classes of operators determined by the structure of their memory (2002)
- E. Stepanov - A. Zdorovtsev (J. Convex Anal.)
Relaxation of some nonlocal integral functionals in weak topology of Lebesgue spaces (2001)
- L. De Pascale - E. Stepanov (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Weak and strong density of compositions (2000)