Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Geometric Measure Theory and Geometric Analysis in Moscow

created by stepanov on 19 Feb 2020
modified on 09 Sep 2020

14 sep 2020 - 17 sep 2020   [open in google calendar]


The conference is aimed at bringing together leading experts in the various topics of Geometric Measure Theory and Geometric Analysis. The idea is to cover a rather broad range of topics from Classical Geometric Measure Theory to modern Metric Geometry. We expect that the conference promote interactions and scientific exchanges between experts in different topics.

The program of the conference can be found at

The link to the conference in ZOOM is

Identification number: 938 0316 3757

To get the password one has to fill in the Registration form at

Organizers: Vladimir Bogachev, Eugene Stepanov, Alexander Tyulenev, Sergey Vodopyanov.