Full Professor,
Dip. Mat. Univ. Pisa
Email: matteo.novaga AT unipi.it
Home-page: http://people.dm.unipi.it/novaga/
Available papers (193):
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- M. Novaga - L. Sciaraffia (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Singularities of the network flow with symmetric initial data (2025)
- F. Nobili - M. Novaga - E. Paolini (Submitted Paper)
Periodic double tilings of the plane (2025)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Adv. Calc. Var.)
Stability of the ball under volume preserving fractional mean curvature flow (2024)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Nonlinear Analysis)
Periodic partitions with minimal perimeter (2024)
- S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Physica D)
Time-fractional Allen-Cahn equations versus powers of the mean curvature (2024)
- M. Novaga - F. Onoue (Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences)
Local and Nonlocal Liquid Drop Models (2024)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Preprint)
Minimal periodic foams with fixed inradius (2024)
- M. Gößwein - M. Novaga - P. Pozzi (Partial Differential Equations and Applications)
Stability analysis for the anisotropic curve shortening flow of planar networks (2024)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Submitted Paper)
A charged liquid drop model with Willmore energy (2024)
- C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga - A. Pluda - F. Schulze (Astérisque)
Evolution of Networks with Multiple Junctions (2024)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga - P. Zaleski (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
A variational model of charged drops in dielectrically matched binary fluids: the effect of charge discreteness (2024)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
$L^1$-gradient flow of convex functionals (2024)
- F. Nobili - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Lattice tilings with minimal perimeter and unequal volumes (2024)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov (Submitted Paper)
On the total surface area of potato packings (2024)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Springer INdAM Series)
Minimal periodic foams with equal cells (2024)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Manuscripta Mathematica)
Fractional mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs (2023)
- M. Novaga - F. Onoue (Communications in Contemporary Mathematics)
Local Hölder regularity of minimizers for nonlocal variational problems (2023)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov - V. M. Tortorelli (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Isoperimetric planar clusters with infinitely many regions (2023)
- M. Morini - C. Muratov - M. Novaga - V. Slastikov (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Transverse domain walls in thin ferromagnetic strips (2023)
- P. Miller - D. Fortunato - M. Novaga - S. Shvartsman - C. Muratov (SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.)
Generation and motion of interfaces in a mass-conserving reaction-diffusion system (2023)
- K. Bessas - M. Novaga - F. Onoue (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
On the shape of small liquid drops minimizing nonlocal energies (2023)
- A. Cesaroni - I. Fragalà - M. Novaga (Accepted Paper: Comm. Contemp. Math.)
Lattice tilings minimizing nonlocal perimeters (2023)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - V. M. Tortorelli (Accepted Paper: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Locally isoperimetric partitions (2023)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Reifenberg flatness for almost-minimizers of the perimeter under minimal assumptions (2022)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Interfaces Free Bound.)
$K$ mean-convex and $K$-outward minimizing sets (2022)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Ann. Scuola Normale Sup. Pisa)
Anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets (2022)
- A. Cesaroni - H. Kröner - M. Novaga (J. Math. Anal. Appl.)
Graphical translators for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flow (2022)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Conducting flat drops in a confining potential (2022)
- M. Novaga - F. Onoue (Nonlinear Analysis)
Existence of minimizers for a generalized liquid drop model with fractional perimeter (2022)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini - E. Stepanov - V. M. Tortorelli (J. Geom. Anal.)
Isoperimetric clusters in homogeneous spaces via concentration compactness (2022)
- F. Dayrens - S. Masnou - M. Novaga - M. Pozzetta (Adv. Calc. Var.)
Connected perimeter of planar sets (2022)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Accepted Paper: J. Eur. Math. Soc.)
Rigidity of the ball for an isoperimetric problem with strong capacitary repulsion (2022)
- C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga - A. Pluda (J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal))
Type-0 singularities in the network flow - Evolution of trees (2022)
- M. Novaga - A. Pratelli (Nonlinear Analysis)
Minimisers of a general Riesz-type problem (2021)
- M. Bonafini - V. P. C. Le - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Nonlinear Analysis)
On the obstacle problem for fractional semilinear wave equations (2021)
- A. Malchiodi - M. Novaga - D. Pagliardini (Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire)
On critical points of the relative fractional perimeter (2021)
- L. Bungert - M. Burger - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Anal. PDE)
Nonlinear Spectral Decompositions by Gradient Flows of One-Homogeneous Functionals (2021)
- A. Cesaroni - L. De Luca - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
Stability results for nonlocal geometric evolutions and limit cases for fractional mean curvature flows (2021)
- A. Cesaroni - S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Annali Mat. Pura e Appl.)
Heteroclinic connections and Dirichlet problems for a nonlocal functional of oscillation type (2021)
- P. Dondl - M. Novaga - S. Wojtowytsch - S. Wolff-Vorbeck (Nonlinearity)
Connected Coulomb Columns: Analysis and Numerics (2021)
- A. Cesaroni - H. Kröner - M. Novaga (ESAIM: COCV)
Anisotropic mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs and convergence to self-similar solutions (2021)
- L. De Luca - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (Ann. Scuola Normale Sup. Pisa)
The $0$-fractional perimeter between fractional perimeters and Riesz potentials (2021)
- H. Kröner - M. Novaga - P. Pozzi (Milan J. Math.)
Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed networks (2021)
- M. Novaga - P. Pozzi (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A second order gradient flow of $p$-elastic planar networks (2020)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Mathematics in Engineering)
Second-order asymptotics of the fractional perimeter as $s\to 1$ (2020)
- H. Knüpfer - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Pure and Applied Analysis)
Emergence of non-trivial minimizers for the three-dimensional Ohta-Kawasaki energy (2020)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - M. Röger (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A)
Quantitative estimates for bending energies and applications to non-local variational problems (2020)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Nonlinear Analysis)
Nonlocal minimal clusters in the plane (2020)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga - V. Pagliari (Nonlinear Analysis)
On the convergence rate of some nonlocal energies (2020)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (J. Geometric Anal.)
Symmetric self-shrinkers for the fractional mean curvature flow (2020)
- A. Dall'Acqua - M. Novaga - A. Pluda (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Minimal elastic networks (2020)
- M. Novaga - A. Pluda (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics)
Elastic networks, statics and dynamics (2020)
- A. Braides - A. Malusa - M. Novaga (Ann. Scuola Normale Sup.Pisa)
Crystalline evolutions with rapidly oscillating forcing terms (2020)
- M. Novaga - M. Pozzetta (Mathematics in Engineering)
Connected surfaces with boundary minimizing the Willmore energy (2020)
- A. Chambolle - M. Morini - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (Anal. PDE)
Generalized crystalline evolutions as limits of flows with smooth anisotropies (2019)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Cirant - S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
On stationary fractional Mean Field Games (2019)
- G. Fusco - G. F. Gronchi - M. Novaga (Minimax Theory Appl.)
Existence of periodic orbits near heteroclinic connections (2019)
- C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga - A. Pluda (Lecture Notes: Springer INdAM Series)
Lectures on Curvature Flow of Networks (2019)
- M. Bonafini - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Nonlinear Analysis)
A variational scheme for hyperbolic obstacle problems (2019)
- A. Cesaroni - S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A)
Minimizers of the $p$-oscillation functional (2019)
- S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (J. London Math. Soc.)
On a Minkowski geometric flow in the plane: Evolution of curves with lack of scale invariance (2019)
- A. Chambolle - M. Morini - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (J. Amer. Math. Soc.)
Existence and uniqueness for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flows (2019)
- L. De Luca - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (J. Nonlinear Sci.)
$\Gamma$-convergence of the Heitmann-Radin sticky disc energy to the crystalline perimeter (2019)
- A. Cesaroni - S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Math. Ann.)
Fattening and nonfattening phenomena for planar nonlocal curvature flows (2019)
- G. Mercier - M. Novaga - P. Pozzi (Comm. Anal. Geom.)
Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves (2019)
- P. W. Dondl - M. Novaga - B. Wirth - S. Wojtowytsch (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Phase-field Approximation of the Perimeter under a Connectedness Constraint (2019)
- F. Dayrens - S. Masnou - M. Novaga (ESAIM: COCV)
Existence, regularity and structure of confined elasticae (2018)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Anal. PDE)
On minimizers of an isoperimetric problem with long-range interactions under a convexity constraint (2018)
- A. Cesaroni - S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Minimizers for nonlocal perimeters of Minkowski type (2018)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
On equilibrium shapes of charged flat drops (2018)
- G. Fusco - G. F. Gronchi - M. Novaga (São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences)
On the existence of heteroclinic connections (2018)
- M. Novaga - D. Pallara - Y. Sire (J. Anal. Math.)
A fractional isoperimetric problem in the Wiener space (2018)
- A. Malusa - M. Novaga (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Crystalline evolutions in chessboard-like microstructures (2018)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S)
The isoperimetric problem for nonlocal perimeters (2018)
- G. Ciraolo - A. Figalli - F. Maggi - M. Novaga (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Rigidity and sharp stability estimates for hypersurfaces with constant and almost-constant nonlocal mean curvature (2018)
- S. Dipierro - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Nonlinearity)
Rigidity of critical points for a nonlocal Ohta-Kawasaki energy (2017)
- J. Calvo - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (J. Evol. Eqs.)
Parabolic equations in time dependent domains (2017)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Interfaces Free Bound.)
Some results on anisotropic fractional mean curvature flows (2017)
- G. Fusco - G. F. Gronchi - M. Novaga (J. Differential Eqs.)
On the existence of connecting orbits for critical values of the energy (2017)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Geometric Flows)
Isoperimetric problems for a nonlocal perimeter of Minkowski type (2017)
- C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga - A. Pluda (Geometric Flows)
Motion by Curvature of Networks with Two Triple Junctions (2017)
- A. Cesaroni - N. Dirr - M. Novaga (J. Éc. polytech. Math.)
Homogenization of a semilinear heat equation (2017)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S)
Volume constrained minimizers of the fractional perimeter with a
potential energy (2017)
- P. Athavale - R. L. Jerrard - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Journal of Convex Analysis)
Weighted TV minimization and applications to vortex density models (2017)
- M. Novaga - S. Okabe (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Convergence to equilibrium of gradient flows defined on planar curves (2017)
- B. Martelli - M. Novaga - A. Pluda - S. Riolo (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Spines of minimal length (2017)
- G. Bellettini - S. Kholmatov - M. Novaga (Comm. Pure Appl. Analysis)
Minimizers of anisotropic perimeters with cylindrical norms (2017)
- A. Magni - C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Motion by Curvature of Planar Networks II (2016)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Proc. R. Soc. A)
On well-posedness of variational models of charged drops (2016)
- M. Novaga - S. Okabe (Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Appl.)
The two obstacle problem for the parabolic biharmonic equation (2016)
- A. Cesaroni - N. Dirr - M. Novaga (ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys)
Asymptotic speed of propagation for a viscous semilinear parabolic equation (2016)
- M. Cicalese - L. De Luca - M. Novaga - M. Ponsiglione (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Ground States of a two phase model with cross and self attractive interactions (2016)
- A. Magni - M. Novaga (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
A note on non lower semicontinuous perimeter functionals on partitions (2016)
- M. Novaga - D. Pallara - Y. Sire (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S)
A symmetry result for degenerate elliptic equations on the Wiener space with nonlinear boundary conditions and applications (2016)
- H. Knüpfer - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Comm. Math. Phys.)
Low density phases in a uniformly charged liquid (2016)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Existence and stability for a non-local isoperimetric model of charged liquid drops (2015)
- A. Cesaroni - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Front propagation in geometric and phase field models of stratified media (2015)
- R. L. Jerrard - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Comm. Contemp. Math.)
On the regularity of timelike extremal surfaces (2015)
- A. Di Castro - M. Novaga - B. Ruffini - E. Valdinoci (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Nonlocal quantitative isoperimetric inequalities (2015)
- M. Miranda Jr - M. Novaga - D. Pallara (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics)
An introduction to BV functions in Wiener spaces (2015)
- A. Chambolle - M. Goldman - M. Novaga (Adv. Calc. Var.)
Fine properties of the subdifferential for a class of one-homogeneous functionals (2015)
- G. Bellettini - A. Nayam - M. Novaga (Asymptotic Analysis)
$\Gamma$-type estimates for the one-dimensional Allen-Cahn's action (2015)
- G. Mercier - M. Novaga (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Mean curvature flow with obstacles: existence, uniqueness and regularity
of solutions (2015)
- M. Novaga - B. Ruffini (J. Convex Anal.)
Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the 1-Riesz capacity and level set
convexity for the 1/2-Laplacian (2015)
- M. Novaga - S. Okabe (Math. Ann.)
Regularity of the obstacle problem for the parabolic biharmonic equation (2015)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics)
Existence and uniqueness for planar anisotropic and crystalline
curvature flow (2015)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Discrete Cont. Dynam. System A)
Eventual regularity for the parabolic minimal surface equation (2015)
- A. Cesaroni - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (RIMS Kokyuroku)
Asymptotic behavior of attractors for inhomogeneous Allen-Cahn equations (2014)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A)
A symmetry result for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator (2014)
- A. Farina - M. Novaga - A. Pinamonti (NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.)
Symmetry results for nonlinear elliptic operators with unbounded drift (2014)
- A. Chambolle - M. Goldman - M. Novaga (J. Geometric Analysis)
Plane-like minimizers and differentiability of the stable norm (2014)
- M. Novaga - S. Okabe (J. Differential Eqs.)
Curve shortening-straightening flow for non-closed planar curves with
infinite length (2014)
- M. Novaga - A. Sobolevski - E. Stepanov (Pacific J. Math.)
Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers (2013)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga - A. Pinamonti (Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.)
One-dimensional symmetry for semilinear equations with unbounded drift (2013)
- A. Chambolle - M. Goldman - M. Novaga (J. Math. Pures et Appl.)
Representation, relaxation and convexity for variational problems in Wiener spaces (2013)
- V. Caselles - K. Jalalzai - M. Novaga (Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova)
On the jump set of solutions of the Total Variation flow (2013)
- G. Bellettini - C. Geldhauser - M. Novaga (Advances Differential Equations)
Convergence of a semidiscrete scheme for a forward-backward parabolic equation (2013)
- A. Chambolle - M. Goldman - M. Novaga (in Geometric Partial Differential Equations, Edizioni della Normale, CRM Series)
Existence and qualitative properties of isoperimetric sets in periodic media (2013)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (Comm. Partial Differential Equations )
Long-time behavior of the mean curvature flow with periodic forcing (2013)
- P. Gordon - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. PDE)
Multiplicity of supercritical fronts for reaction-diffusion equations in cylinders (2013)
- V. Caselles - A. Lunardi - M. Miranda Jr - M. Novaga (Adv. Calc. Var.)
Perimeter of sublevel sets in infinite dimensional spaces (2012)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Lorentzian varifolds and applications to closed relativistic strings (2012)
- G. Bellettini - L. Bertini - M. Mariani - M. Novaga (SIAM J. on Math. Anal.)
Convergence of the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard Equation (2012)
- L. Almeida - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire)
Mean curvature flow with obstacles (2012)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga (SIAM J. on Math. Anal.)
Global exponential convergence to variational traveling waves in cylinders (2012)
- P. Majer - M. Novaga (Electron. J. Comb.)
Monotone paths in random hypergraphs (2012)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. and PDE)
Volume-constrained minimizers for the prescribed curvature problem in periodic media (2012)
- M. Goldman - M. Novaga (Annales de l'IHP - Analyse Non Lineaire)
Approximation and relaxation of perimeter in the Wiener space (2012)
- A. Berarducci - P. Majer - M. Novaga (Fund. Math.)
Infinite paths and cliques in random graphs (2012)
- A. Briani - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Confluentes Mathematici)
On the gradient flow of a one-homogeneous functional (2011)
- G. Barles - A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga (SIAM J. on Math. Anal.)
Homogenization of fronts in highly heterogeneous media (2011)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana)
Regularity for solutions of the total variation denoising problem (2011)
- C. Geldhauser - M. Novaga (Interfaces and Free boundaries)
A semidiscrete scheme for a one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation (2011)
- A. Cesaroni - M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci ( Interfaces Free Bound. )
Curvature flow in heterogeneous media (2011)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Curvature Evolution of Nonconvex Lens-Shaped Domains (2011)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc.)
Convergence for long-times of a semidiscrete Perona-Malik equation in one dimension (2011)
- M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Calc. Var. PDE)
Bump solutions for the mesoscopic Allen-Cahn equation in periodic media (2011)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, Springer)
Total variation in imaging (2011)
- G. Bellettini - J. Hoppe - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Complex Analysis and Operator Theory)
Closure and convexity properties of closed relativistic strings (2010)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - D. Cremers - M. Novaga - T. Pock (Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery, De Gruyter, Radon Series Comp. Appl. Math.)
An introduction to Total Variation for Image Analysis (2010)
- A. Braides - M. S. Gelli - M. Novaga (Arch. Ration. Anal. Mech.)
Motion and pinning of discrete interfaces (2010)
- V. Caselles - M. Miranda Jr - M. Novaga (J. Funct. Anal.)
Total Variation and Cheeger Sets in Gauss Space (2010)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - G. Orlandi (Physica D)
Time-like lorentzian minimal submanifolds as singular limits of nonlinear wave equations (2010)
- G. Bellettini - L. Bertini - M. Mariani - M. Novaga (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
$\Gamma$-entropy cost for scalar conservation laws (2010)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova)
Some remarks on uniqueness and regularity of Cheeger sets (2010)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini - C. Tornese (Calcolo)
Classification of the equilibria for the semi-discrete Perona-Malik equation (2009)
- G. Bellettini - V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
The volume preserving crystalline mean curvature flow of convex sets in $\mathbf R^N$ (2009)
- M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Multibump solutions and asymptotic expansions for mesoscopic Allen-Cahn type equations (2009)
- M. Lucia - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Existence of traveling wave solutions for Ginzburg-Landau-type problems in infinite cylinders (2008)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Implicit time discretization of the mean curvature flow with a discontinuous forcing term (2008)
- B. Kawohl - M. Novaga (J. Convex Analysis)
The $p$-Laplace eigenvalue problem as $p \to 1$ and Cheeger sets in a Finsler metric (2008)
- N. Dirr - M. Lucia - M. Novaga (Asymptotic Analysis)
Gradient theory of phase transitions with a rapidly oscillating forcing term (2008)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. PDE)
Front propagation in infinite cylinders II. The sharp reaction zone limit (2008)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini - C. Tornese (J. Differential Eqs.)
Convergence of discrete schemes for the Perona-Malik equation (2008)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - S. Moll - M. Novaga (Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré - Anal. Non Linéaire)
A characterization of convex calibrable sets in $\mathbb R^N$ with respect to anisotropic norms (2008)
- C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Comm. Math. Sci.)
Front propagation in infinite cylinders I: a variational approach (2008)
- G. Bellettini - C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga (J. Diff. Geom.)
Singular Perturbations of Mean Curvature Flow (2007)
- G. Bellettini - M. Chermisi - M. Novaga (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
The level set method for systems of PDEs (2007)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.)
Approximation of the anisotropic mean curvature flow (2007)
- G. Bellettini - M. Masala - M. Novaga (J. Convex Anal.)
A conjecture of De Giorgi on the squared distance function (2007)
- M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc.)
Nonuniqueness for crystalline curvature flow (2007)
- M. Novaga - E. Valdinoci (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
The geometry of mesoscopic phase transition interfaces (2007)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Pacific Journal of Mathematics)
Uniqueness of the Cheeger set of a convex body (2007)
- V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Multiscale Modeling and Simulation)
The discontinuity set of solutions of the TV denoising problem and some extensions (2007)
- G. Bellettini - M. Chermisi - M. Novaga (Interfaces Free Bound.)
Crystalline curvature flow of planar networks (2006)
- G. Bellettini - M. S. Gelli - S. Luckhaus - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Deterministic equivalent for the Allen-Cahn energy of a scaling law in the Ising model (2006)
- G. Bellettini - V. Caselles - A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.)
Crystalline mean curvature flow of convex sets (2006)
- N. Dirr - M. Lucia - M. Novaga (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
$\Gamma$-convergence of the Allen--Cahn energy with an oscillating forcing term (2006)
- A. Chambolle - M. Novaga (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Convergence of an algorithm for anisotropic mean curvature motion (2006)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini (Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc.)
Stability of Crystalline Evolutions (2005)
- G. Bellettini - V. Caselles - M. Novaga (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Explicit solutions of the eigenvalue problem $- {\rm div} \left( Du/ \vert Du \vert \right) = u$ (2005)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini (Annali di Matematica pura e Applicata)
Regularity results for boundaries in ${\mathrm R}^2$ with prescribed anisotropic curvature (2005)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - E. Paolini (SIAM J. on Math. Anal.)
Global solutions to the gradient flow equation of a nonconvex functional (2005)
- C. Mantegazza - M. Novaga - V. M. Tortorelli (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Motion by Curvature of Planar Networks (2004)
- M. Lucia - C. Muratov - M. Novaga (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Linear vs. nonlinear selection for the propagation speed of the solutions of scalar reaction-diffusion equations invading an unstable equilibrium (2004)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - G. Riey (Interfaces Free Bound. )
First variation of anisotropic energies and crystalline mean curvature for partitions (2003)
- L. Ambrosio - M. Novaga - E. Paolini (ESAIM: COCV volume dedicated to J. L. Lions)
Some Regularity Results for Minimal Crystals (2002)
- G. Bellettini - V. Caselles - M. Novaga (J. Differential Equations)
The Total Variation Flow in $R^N$ (2002)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini (Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications)
Regularity results for some $1$-homogeneous functionals (2002)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.)
On a crystalline variational problem, part II: $BV$-regularity and structure of minimizers on facets (2001)
- M. Novaga (Boll. UMI)
Soluzioni di tipo barriera (2001)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Characterization of facet--breaking for nonsmooth mean curvature flow in the convex case (2001)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.)
On a crystalline variational problem, part I: first variation and global $L^\infty$ regularity (2001)
- N. Dirr - S. Luckhaus - M. Novaga (Calc. Var. and Partial Differential Eqs.)
A stochastic selection principle in case of fattening for curvature flow (2001)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc.)
Approximation and comparison for non-smooth anisotropic motion by mean curvature in $\mathbb R^N$ (2000)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Facet--breaking for three--dimensional crystals evolving by mean curvature (1999)
- M. Novaga - E. Paolini (Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei)
A computational approach to fractures in crystal growth (1999)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (J. Differential Geom. and its Appl.)
A result on motion by mean curvature in arbitrary codimension (1999)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga - M. Paolini (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
An example of three dimensional fattening for linked space curves evolving by curvature (1998)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Comparison Results between Minimal Barriers and Viscosity Solutions for Geometric Evolutions (1998)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (J. Differential Eqs.)
Minimal Barriers for Geometric Evolutions (1997)
- G. Bellettini - M. Novaga (Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei, serie IX)
Barriers for a Class of Geometric Evolutions Problems (1997)
- M. Novaga (Degree Thesis)
Evoluzioni di Insiemi Secondo la Curvatura (1996)