[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Sep 18 12:00:05 CEST 2020

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Prinari, Buttazzo, Santambrogio, Shim, Briani, Semola
* Modified papers by: Tortorelli, Idu, Del Nin, Kreutz, Miranda Jr, Pozzetta, Bartolucci, Mészáros, Santambrogio, Jevnikar, Comi, Semola, Kim, Prinari, Pluda, Friedrich, Shrivastava, Buffa, Braides, Cicalese, Musina, Ambrosio, Freddi, Bach, Solci, Ruffini, Maiale, Mazzoleni, Magnani, Zappale, Jacobs, Paolini, Carbotti, Bruè

--- News ---
* Assegno di Ricerca MAT/05 - Udine - scadenza 8 ottobre

--- Events next week ---
* International Workshop "Variational Methods in Nonlinear Phenomena" - ONLINE
  Wed 23 September 2020 - Fri 25 September 2020

--- New Papers ---
* Briani, Buttazzo, Prinari: Some inequalities involving perimeter and torsional rigidity
* Semola: Recent developments about Geometric Analysis on $RCD(K,N)$ spaces
* Santambrogio, Shim: A Cucker-Smale inspired deterministic Mean Field Game with velocity interactions

--- Modified Papers ---
* Prinari: On the  lower semicontinuity and approximation of $L^\infty$-functionals
* Bruè, Semola: Regularity of Lagrangian flows over $RCD^*(K,N)$ spaces
* Paolini, Tortorelli: The quadruple planar bubble enclosing equal areas is symmetric
* Bartolucci, Jevnikar: On the global bifurcation diagram of the Gel'fand problem
* Friedrich, Kreutz: Finite crystallization and wulff shape emergence for ionic compounds in the square lattice
* Jacobs, Kim, Mészáros: Weak solutions to the Muskat problem with surface tension via optimal transport
* Buffa, Comi, Miranda Jr: On $BV$ functions and essentially bounded divergence-measure fields in metric spaces
* Bach, Braides, Cicalese: Discrete-to-continuum limits of multi-body systems with bulk and surface long-range interactions
* Del Nin, Pluda, Pozzetta: Degenerate elastic networks
* Prinari, Zappale: A Relaxation Result in the Vectorial Setting and Power Law Approximation for Supremal Functionals
* Braides, Solci: Compactness by coarse-graining in long-range lattice systems
* Ambrosio, Freddi, Musina: Asymptotic analysis of the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian in domains becoming unbounded
* Carbotti, Comi: A note on Riemann-Liouville fractional Sobolev spaces
* Santambrogio: Lecture notes on Variational Mean Field Games
* Mazzoleni, Ruffini: A spectral shape optimization problem with a nonlocal competing term
* Idu, Magnani, Maiale: Characterizations of $k$-rectifiability in homogenous groups

--- Open Positions ---
* Professor of Mathematics at the University of Padova - Call for interest (deadline: Sun 20 September 2020)

* Postdoctoral Researcher: Analysis of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs (deadline: Sun 20 September 2020)

* Rtd-A in Mathematical Analysis at Sapienza, Rome (deadline: Sun 20 September 2020)

* One Postdoc and one Ph.D. student positions in Vienna (deadline: Sun 4 October 2020)

* (NEW) Two PostDoctoral Positions in Rome (deadline: Wed 7 October 2020)

* One PhD and one PostDoc positions at the University of Basel in the group of Prof. G. Crippa (deadline: Sat 31 October 2020)

* Postdoctoral Researcher at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology under Prof. Daniel Spector (deadline: Tue 15 December 2020)

* PhD student positions at Imperial College London (deadline: Fri 15 January 2021)

* Recruitment of the Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics(NCAM) Nanjing, China (deadline: Thu 11 February 2021)
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