[CvGmt News] Group of open varifold problems

孟悟理 (Menne, Ulrich) Ulrich.Menne at math.ntnu.edu.tw
Tue Nov 27 09:21:25 CET 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to inform you about a group of open problems in varifold
geometry recently posted by myself at
<https://www.scilag.net/problem/G-181109.1>.  Time permitting, this
shall be expanded in the future.

  About <www.scilag.net>: "SciLag is a free web-based platform that
provides tools for mathematicians to collaboratively build a dynamic
database of mathematical problems at research level."  From my point of
view, it appears worth to be supported by contributing to its database.

  Best regards

  Ulrich Menne


Professor Ulrich Menne
Yushan Young Scholar
Department of Mathematics
National Taiwan Normal University
No.88, Sec.4, Tingzhou Rd.
Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 11677
Taiwan(R. O. C.)
Web: <http://math.ntnu.edu.tw/~menne/>

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