[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Aug 12 12:00:01 CEST 2016

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Tamagnini, Barchiesi, Paolini
* Modified papers by: Cesaroni, Mooney, Rigoli, Catino, Bucur, Marchese, Monticelli, Maggi, Mazzoleni, De Philippis, Novaga, Mastrolia, Figalli, Dirr, Rindler

--- New Papers ---
* Paolini, Tamagnini: Minimal clusters of four planar regions with the same area
* Barchiesi: Toughening by crack deflection in the homogenization of brittle composites with soft inclusions

--- Modified Papers ---
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli, Rigoli: Conformal Ricci solitons and related integrability conditions
* Bucur, Mazzoleni: A surgery result for the spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian
* Cesaroni, Dirr, Novaga: Asymptotic speed of propagation for  a viscous semilinear parabolic equation
* Figalli, Maggi, Mooney: The sharp quantitative Euclidean concentration inequality
* De Philippis, Marchese, Rindler: On a conjecture of Cheeger

--- Open Positions ---
* Ricercatori a tempo determinato, tipo B (deadline: Thu 25 August 2016)

* Position at Full Professor level in Giessen (deadline: Wed 31 August 2016)

* PhD studentship on Numerical methods for higher-order nonlinear partial differential equations (deadline: Thu 1 September 2016)

* Call for two positions at the level of Associate Professor (deadline: Mon 5 September 2016)
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