[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Mar 8 12:00:02 CET 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Events: Intensive Period on ?Evolution Problems in Fracture Mechanics?
* Seminars by:  DjadliKirchheim
* New papers by: McCann, Ambrosio, Mascellani, Uraltsev, Mantegazza, Velichkov, De Philippis, Kim, Figalli, De Lellis, Schmidt
* Modified papers by: Mazzieri, De Philippis, Brasco, Mantegazza, Rimoldi, Catino, Rifford, Magni, Jerison, Franzina, Mongodi, Cao, Chen, Novaga, Figalli

--- Events ---

Intensive Period on ?Evolution Problems in Fracture Mechanics?
Monday 4 mar 2013 -- Friday 26 apr 2013
SISSA, Trieste
During the months March-April 2013 an intensive period on 

?Evolution Problems in Fracture Mechanics?

will take place at SISSA in Trieste in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant ?Quasistatic and Dynamic Evolution Problems in Plasticity and Fracture?.

The activities will be organized around the following minicourses, with daily lectures.

Christopher J. Larsen, 4-8 March 2013:
Mathematical issues in globally minimizing, locally minimizing, and dynamic fracture evolutions

Gianpietro Del Piero, 11-15 March 2013:
The variational approach to fracture and other inelastic phenomena

Gilles Francfort, 3-13 April 2013:
Variational evolution problems in plasticity

Jay R. Walton, 15-19 April 2013:
A theory of fracture incorporating interfacial mechanics

Jean-Jacques Marigo, 22-26 April 2013:
Gradient damage models and their use in fracture mechanics

Talks on related subjects will be given by the participants and by other visitors. 

To participate in this activity, please contact Gianni Dal Maso (dalmaso at sissa.it).

--- Seminars next week ---

* Wednesday 13 mar 2013
time: 17:00
Sala Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit? di Pisa

Fourth order geometric problems on closed manifolds
Zindine  Djadli 

Abstract. In this talk we will review some recent results on geometric problems involving fourth order geometric PDEs.

time: 18:00
Sala Seminari, Department of Mathematics, Pisa University

Rank-one convex functions which  are 1-homogeneous
Bernd Kirchheim 

--- New Papers ---

* Figalli, Kim, McCann: H?lder continuity and injectivity of optimal maps

* De Philippis, Velichkov: Existence and regularity of minimizers for some spectral functionals with perimeter constraint

* De Philippis, Figalli: Higher integrability for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional

* Ambrosio, De Lellis, Schmidt: Partial regularity for mass-minimizing currents in Hilbert spaces

* Mantegazza, Mascellani, Uraltsev: On the Distributional Hessian of the Distance Function

--- Modified Papers ---

* Cao, Catino, Chen, Mantegazza, Mazzieri: Bach-Flat Gradient Steady Ricci Solitons

* Catino, Mantegazza, Mazzieri, Rimoldi: Locally Conformally Flat Quasi-Einstein Manifolds

* Catino, Mantegazza, Mazzieri: On the Global Structure of Conformal Gradient Solitons with Nonnegative Ricci Tensor

* Figalli, Jerison: Quantitative stability for sumsets in $R^n$

* Mantegazza, Mongodi, Rimoldi: The Cotton Tensor and the Ricci Flow

* Catino, Mantegazza, Mazzieri: A Note on Codazzi Tensors

* Figalli, Rifford: Aubry sets, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and the Ma?? Conjecture

* Brasco, Franzina: An anisotropic eigenvalue problem of Stekloff type and weighted Wulff inequalities

* De Philippis: Regularity of optimal transport maps and applications

* Magni, Mantegazza, Novaga: Motion by Curvature of Planar Networks II

* Brasco: On torsional rigidity and principal frequencies: an invitation to the Kohler-Jobin rearrangement technique

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