[CvGmt News] R: [Studenti] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

Sara Capone capone at mail.dm.unipi.it
Fri Mar 8 00:06:42 CET 2013


-------- Original message --------
Subject: [Studenti] [Fwd: Lettre MODE] 
From: buttazzo at dm.unipi.it 
To: news at cvgmt.sns.it,studenti at dm.unipi.it,dottorandi at dm.unipi.it,	borsisti at dm.unipi.it,assegnisti at dm.unipi.it 

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mar, 5 Marzo 2013 18:47
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
mars 2013

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe.

Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

Renouvellement comit� de liaison MODE
0- Renouvellement du comit� de liaison MODE - Appel � candidature

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- PhD study at the Singapore University of Technology and Design
2- Post-doctoral positions in stochastic optimization at Princeton
3- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
4- Post-doc position in optimization, U. Edinburgh
5- Poste MC 26/27 : Optimisation et analyse de sensibilit�
6- Poste MC 0436 (26) � Dijon
7- Poste PR 26 � Paris 1
8- Faculty positions at the Singapore University of Technology and Design

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
9- Annonces de s�minaires
10- Optimization and Big Data (Workshop, Trek & Colloquium)
11- Optimization: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms
12- Journ�es du GDR MOA
13- Recent Advances on Optimization, July 24-26, 2013, Toulouse, France
14- Nonconvex Programming: Local and Global approaches" at the
15- International workshop on advances in Regularization, Optimization,
16- MOPTA Conference, Lehigh University, August 14-16, 2013
17- 16th French-German-Polish conference on Optimization, Krakow, Poland

-- Autres
18- In Memoriam: Robert R. Phelps (1926-2013)
19- Appel � projets pour �coles de recherche CIMPA 2015


0- Renouvellement du comit� de liaison MODE - Appel � candidature
(source: budeau MODE)

Chers coll�gues,

Comme chaque ann�e, le groupe SMAI-MODE va renouveler un tiers (5 membres
cette ann�e) de son comit� de liaison. Le r�sultat des �lections sera
proclam� lors
de la r�union du groupe pr�vue le mardi 28 mai lors de la conf�rence de
la SMAI.

Voici la liste des sortants :
- Samir Adly
- Philippe Bich
- Fr�d�ric Bonnans
- Marc-Olivier Czarnecki
- Michel de Lara

Seuls P. Bich et M. de Lara sont r��ligibles.

Les membres sont invit�s � faire acte de candidature avec profession de
foi de
5 � 10 lignes aupr�s de:

Fr�d�ric.Bonnans at inria.fr <mailto:Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric.Bonnans at inria.fr>,
corvellec at univ-perp.fr <mailto:corvellec at univ-perp.fr>
ou Aude.Rondepierre at math.univ-toulouse.fr
<mailto:Aude.Rondepierre at math.univ-toulouse.fr>

La date limite de candidature est le 25 mars prochain.


1- PhD study at the Singapore University of Technology and Design
(source: J. Renault)

There exist excellent opportunities for bright and motivated students
who want to pursue PhD study at the newly established Singapore
University of Technology and Design (SUTD) within the Engineering
Systems and Design (ESD) Pillar.

SUTD has been established in collaboration with MIT with a mission to
advance knowledge and nurture technically grounded leaders and
innovators to serve societal needs. Professor Thomas Magnanti, former
Dean of Engineering at MIT (and former President of INFORMS), is the
Founding President of SUTD.

The faculty in ESD is growing rapidly with a steady-state target of
over 70 faculty members, making it one of the largest such
multidisciplinary programs in the world, blending the fields of
operations research, management science, applied probability and
statistics, applied mathematics, and decision sciences.

Based in one of the world's biggest financial and technological hubs,
with an ever-growing academic community, and a culturally diverse and
vibrant population, the ESD PhD program at SUTD  aims to provide
students with a strong technical foundation that emphasizes
inter-disciplinary and collaborative research. The program is
mentoring-intensive with a unique flexible advising structure that
allows students to work with multiple faculty members and vice-versa.
Qualified PhD applicants are offered highly attractive financial
packages covering tuition, a monthly stipend and support for
conference and workshop travel.

Additional information about SUTD and the ESD Pillar may be found at

Specific information about the PhD program can be found at


2- Post-doctoral positions in stochastic optimization at Princeton
(source: F. Bonnans)

We are looking to fill several post-doctoral or more senior research
positions in the broad
area of computational stochastic optimization (broadly defined) under
the supervision of
Professor Warren Powell in the Department of Operations Research and
Financial Engineering.

Two positions will work in the area of energy systems focusing on the
development of
stochastic optimization models of problems arising in energy markets,
control of energy
generation and demand response, pricing, bidding and storage. We have
special interest
in high performance computing, and we will be looking to parallelize
algorithms to exploit
this architecture.

A third position will work in the area of optimal learning in the
context of materials science
(see http://optimallearning.princeton.edu
<http://optimallearning.princeton.edu/>). Some background in chemistry
and laboratory
science is useful but not required.

Applicants for all positions should have a strong background in
probability and
statistics/machine learning, demonstrated skills in writing journal
quality papers, a high
comfort level with computational research, and an ability to work as a
member of a vibrant
team in stochastic optimization (http://castlelab.princeton.edu
<http://castlelab.princeton.edu/>) and energy systems
(http://energysystems.princeton.edu <http://energysystems.princeton.edu/>).

A Ph.D. in operations research, computer science, applied math,
electrical engineering or
related field is required.  We are looking for people who can start the
summer of 2013.
Appointments are for one year with the possibility of renewal pending
performance and continued funding.

Applications will be considered from the date of this announcement until
To apply, please visit our website at http://jobs.princeton.edu
<http://jobs.princeton.edu/>, create an online application,
and submit a CV and cover letter with contact information for three
references to Requisition
Number 1300104.

Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with
applicable EEO
and affirmative action regulations.

Warren B. Powell
Professor, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering


3- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
(source: M. Mongeau, M. Th�ra)

As a part of Collaborative Research Group on Optimization: Theory,
and Algorithms


partly funded by Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS),
are invited for a post-doctoral position in optimization at University
of Calgary,
Calgary AB Canada. The position is for 1-year, with possible extension
to 2 years,
with a tentative starting date of September 1 2013.

A successful candidate should hold a PhD in Mathematics, Applied
Computer Science, Operations Research or related area.

Of primary interest are applicants interested in the following topics:
-computational methods for solving conic optimization problems over
p-cones, and/or
-applications of optimization to optimal radiotherapy treatment
planning, and/or
-curvature of the central path.
Alternative PDF research proposals will also be considered.

Applicants are required to submit a CV, a statement of research
interests, and provide
two letters of reference. Application materials must be submitted by
e-mail to Dr. Yuriy
Zinchenko (http://people.ucalgary.ca/~yzinchen/
<http://people.ucalgary.ca/%7Eyzinchen/>) at yzinchen at ucalgary.ca
<mailto:yzinchen at ucalgary.ca>
with the subject line "CRG PDF application".


4- Post-doc position in optimization, U. Edinburgh
(source: P. Armand, J.-C. Gilbert)

I look for a talented young researcher who would like to work on very
large scale optimization,
in particular, might take the matrix-free interior point method


a step further. I would be grateful if you could pass this advert to any
person who might be
interested in a one-year post-doc position:


Regards, Jacek Gondzio


5- Poste MC 26/27 : Optimisation et analyse de sensibilit�
(source: D. Aussel, F. Bonnans)

Etablissement: LJK
Descriptif: Il existe une forte demande d'outils math�matiques et
algorithmiques nouveaux
de l'optimisation en grande dimension appliqu�e dans les domaines de
statistique et du traitement de donn�es nonhomog�nes. Les jeux de
donn�es � traiter, mais
aussi les mod�les qui les r�gissent contiennent par ailleurs des
incertitudes dont il s'agit
d'estimer et de maitriser l'impact.
L'optimisation dans le contexte de donn�es massives, l'analyse
d'incertitudes et l'optimisation
robuste pour minimiser leur influence, sont des probl�matiques qui
apparaissent dans plusieurs
domaines applicatifs dans lesquel le LJK est beaucoup investi et a
obtenu une reconnaissance
internationale : traitement et indexation d'images, climatologie et
sciences de l'environnement,
d�veloppement durable, g�nomique, analyse de donn�es multi-media, de
donn�es bancaires
et financi�res.
Le LJK souhaite recruter un ma�tre de conf�rence, qui cherche �
d�velopper des aspects
m�thodologiques ou applicatifs de ces th�matiques, transverses �
plusieurs �quipes et
d�partements du laboratoire. La priorit� sera donn�e aux candidats
poss�dant un excellent
dossier de recherche, souhaitant mener leur recherche dans un
environnement multidisciplinaire,
notamment au travers des activit�s du labex Persyval-lab ou de la maison
de la mod�lisation

Contacts : Anatoli Iouditski Anatoli.Iouditski at imag.fr
Zaid Harchaoui Zaid.Harchaoui at inria.fr

Une description plus d�taill�e :



6- Poste MC 0436 (26) � Dijon
(source: D. Aussel)

Profil : controle, optimisation, transport

L'Universite de Bourgogne souhaite recruter pour septembre 2013 un maitre
de conferences en mathematiques appliquees. La personne recrutee sera
affectee au Departement de mathematiques et rattachee a l'Institut de
mathematiques (UMR CNRS 5584). Les competences du laboratoire recouvrent
des domaines varies tels que la geometrie et les systemes dynamiques, la
physique mathematique, le controle et l'optimisation, les probabilites et
les statistiques. Les axes de recherche prioritaires pour ce poste sont :
- le controle optimal,
- l'optimisation,
- le transport optimal.

Institut de mathematiques de Bourgogne : http://math.u-bourgogne.fr
(contact : Luis Paris, mailto:luis.paris at u-bourgogne.fr)


7- Poste PR 26 � Paris 1
(source: P. Gourdel)

Profil : Math�matiques de la d�cision : Assurance, Finance, Actuariat

Enseignement : Le besoin en enseignement r�sulte du d�part en retraite du
responsable du master Pro IRFA (Ing�nierie du Risque en Finance et
en septembre 2013. Ce master est l'unique sp�cialit� professionnelle de
master et joue un r�le central dans notre offre de formation. Elle
accueille la
majorit� des �tudiants de M1 qui poursuivent en M2 dans notre UFR.
Le candidat recrut� devra prendre des responsabilit�s au sein de ce
master M2.

Recherche : le candidat rejoindra le Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne,
Economie Math�matique et Jeux en renfor�ant le potentiel d'encadrement
doctoral et en animant la recherche sur la th�matique de la th�orie de la
d�cision qui s'inscrit � l'interface de l'�conomie math�matique,
de la
et de l'assurance.

Contact : Pascal Gourdel : 01 44 07 89 40
e-mail : gourdel at univ-paris1.fr



8- Faculty positions at the Singapore University of Technology and Design
(source: J. Renault)

The Engineering and System Design (ESD) Pillar of Singapore University
of Technology and Design (SUTD) has several openings at all levels in
different fields.


SUTD is a public university recently established in collaboration with
MIT. The faculty in ESD is growing rapidly with a steady-state target
of over 70 faculty members, making it one of the largest such
multidisciplinary programs in the world, blending the fields of
operations research, management science, applied probability and
statistics, applied mathematics, and decision sciences.

Additional information about SUTD and the ESD Pillar may be found at


9- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, R. Laraki, N. Igbida, G.

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (attention : Jussieu, salle 101, barre


Lundi 18 mars
15h00 : M. Schweighofer (U. Konstanz, Allemagne)
16h00 : A. Lemenant (U. Pisa, Italie)
S�minaire Parisien de TH�orie des Jeux


Lundi 18 mars : B. Sandholm (Wisconsin)
Lundi 25 f�vrier : M. Nunez (Cergy)
S�minaire de l'�quipe MOD � Limoges (salle 203, batiment XLIM)


Vendredi 8 mars : C. Jean-Alexis (U. Antilles-Guyane)
Vendredi 15 mars : B. Maury (U. Paris Sud)
Vendredi 22 mars : P. Weiss (Institut de Math. Toulouse)
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (U. Orsay, bat. 425,
salle 121-123)

lundi 18 f�vrier
14h : S. Masnou (U. Lyon I)
15h15 : G. Croce (LMAH, Le Havre)


10- Optimization and Big Data (Workshop, Trek & Colloquium)
(source: D. Aussel)

Edinburgh, Scotland, May 1-3, 2013

Website + Registration:

No registration fee thanks to EPSRC funding (Mathematics for Vast
Digital Resources + The Centre for Numerical Algorithms and
Intelligent Software)

May 1-2: Workshop (Fourteen 40-minute talks, 7 on each day)

Confirmed speakers:
Olivier Fercoq      (Edinburgh)
Jacek Gondzio       (Edinburgh)
Zaid Harchaoui      (INRIA)
Desmond Higham      (Strathclyde)
Martin Jaggi        (Ecole Polytechnique)
Anatoli Juditsky    (Joseph Fourier)
Imre Polik          (SAS)
Shai Shalev-Shwartz (Jerusalem)
Martin Takac        (Edinburgh)
Steve Wright        (Wisconsin-Madison)

Poster Session (best poster wins an iPad mini - sponsored by SAS)

May 3: Morning: Trek to Arthur's Seat (a 350m years old extinct
volcano in the city centre), Afternoon: Colloquium Talk by Steve
Wright, Best Poster Award Ceremony, Networking Reception


11- Optimization: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms
(source: M. Th�ra)

Sponsored by Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS),
www.pims.math.ca <http://www.pims.math.ca/>,
and one of the 2013 Thematic Activities of PIMS Collaborative Research Group
"Optimization: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms", the 2013 Summer
School on
Optimization will be taking place at University of Calgary from June 14
till June 28.

The school will consist of three individual lecture blocks, compressed
into an
equivalent of a one semester graduate level course. Block lectures will
be led by
the corresponding mentors --distinguished optimizers external to U of
with each block followed by a mid-term type evaluation. We are happy to
that Drs. Miguel Anjos (CRC, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal), Heinz
(CRC, UBCO), Antoine Deza (CRC, McMaster),Warren Hare (UBCO), Yves Lucet
and Shawn Wang (UBCO) will be mentoring the summer school. Tentatively
will run daily 9am-12 noon, followed by students group work and free time.
For more detials of the course content please consult the attached PDF

It is the intent to offer the sumer school as a graduate course
registered with U of
Calgary (approval pending). Therefore, participants from Western Deans'
affiliated sites, wcdgs.ca <http://wcdgs.ca/>, will be eligible for a
graduate course credit via the
agreement. Students from other universities wishing to obtain an
equivalent credit
will have to work with their graduate school or equivalent on individual

The summer school will provide partial to full financial support to
selected students.
To apply for participation, submit a resume and a support level from the
by e-mail to yzinchen at ucalgary.ca <mailto:yzinchen at ucalgary.ca> with
exact subject line:

Application 2013 Summer School


12- Journ�es du GDR MOA
(source: D. Aussel)

Chers membres du GdR, ne tardez pas � vous inscrire (inscription
gratuite mais
obligatoire sur
pour les
      Journ�es 2013 du GdR MOA
      Du 17 au 19 juin 2013
      Institut Henri Poincar� (IHP) Paris


13- Recent Advances on Optimization, July 24-26, 2013, Toulouse, France
(source: A. Rondepierre)

An international conference on optimization will be organized under the
of a research programme supported by the RTRA STAE foundation in
Toulouse from
the 24th to 26th of July 2013.
The conference will address topics in unconstrained and constrained
with and without derivatives. It will be also the occasion to celebrate
the many
contributions made by Philippe L. Toint  to the field. A half-day
session related to
the RTRA data assimilation project "ADTAO" will be part of this conference.

Contributed talks and posters related to the topics of the conference
are welcome,
and will be added to the programme as far as schedule constraints permit.


01.01.2013: Online registration open
15.03.2013: Due date for contributed presentations
30.03.2013: Due date for poster presentations
15.04.2013: Notification of acceptance
15.05.2013: Registration deadline


Thanks to our sponsors, no registration fees are required. However
is mandatory.
Registration information (name, firstname, affiliation) should be sent
directly to
Brigitte Yzel (yzel at cerfacs.fr <mailto:yzel at cerfacs.fr>).

Information on how to submit your contribution can be found on the webpage
of the conference:


Looking forward to welcoming you in Toulouse,
On behalf of the scientific and local organization committees,
Coralia Cartis, Nick Gould, Serge Gratton and Xavier Vasseur.


14- Nonconvex Programming: Local and Global approaches" at the
(source: P. D. Tao)

XXVI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Rome.

The XXVI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference "All roads lead to
OR" will be held in
Rome on July 1 -- 4, 2013. Please visit http://euro2013.org/
<http://www.euro-2009.de/> for all currently available key details.

We would like to invite you and your interested colleagues to contribute
to the "Nonconvex
Programming: Local and Global approaches" stream organized by Le Thi
Hoai An and Pham
Dinh Tao, in the "Continuous optimization" area.

All works on "Nonconvex Programming: Local and Global Approaches -
Theory, Algorithms
and Applications"are welcome.

Our stream is partitioned into four sessions:

1) Recent developments from Nonconvex Programming (the session's code is

Recent developments from different Nonconvex Optimization fields:
Nonconvex Programming,
Global Optimization, Multicriteria Optimization, Mixed Integer
Programming, Large-scale
Nonlinear Programming, Complementarity and Variational Inequality
Problems, Mathematical
Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

2) Recent advances in DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming
and DCA
(DC Algorithms): theory, algorithms and applications (the session's code
is cf8a3aec)

3) Nonconvex Programming approaches for Machine Learning and Data Mining
(the session's code is 454bec3f)

In traditional areas such as Classification, Regression, Clustering,
Probabilistic Modeling, and
Association Analysis, and in new paradigms such as stream data,
uncertain data, massive
data, feature selction.

4) Novel opportunities of Nonconvex Programming for Industry and Finance
(the session's code is d7c5a43b)

Models and Optimization Methodes for various applications such as
Network, Transport, Supply Chain Management, Auto Manufacturing,
Aerospace Engineering,
Air Traffic Management, Genomics, Biomedical Engineering, Computational
Biology, Financial
Optimization, Mechanical and Structural Engineering, Optimal Control,
Robotics, Pattern
Recognition, Computer Vision, Image Processing, ...

Your are invited to submit an Abstract to a session in our stream at


section "Abstract in an invited session" by using the option 'submit
invited abstract' and
introducing the code of session.

The extended deadline of submission is March 15th.
Please feel free also to circulate this announcement.

Le Thi Hoai Anhoai-an.le-thi at univ-lorraine.fr
<mailto:hoai-an.le-thi at univ-lorraine.fr>,
and Pham Dinh Tao pham at insa-rouen.fr <mailto:pham at insa-rouen.fr>


15- International workshop on advances in Regularization, Optimization,
(source: M. Th�ra)

July 8-10, 2013, Leuven, Belgium


Scope One area of high impact both in theory and applications is kernel
and support vector machines. Optimization problems, learning and
of models are key ingredients in these methods. On the other hand
progress has also been made on regularization of parametric models,
methods for compressed sensing and sparsity, where convex optimization plays
a prominent role. The aim of ROKS-2013 is to provide a
multi-disciplinary forum
where researchers of different communities can meet, to find new
synergies along
these areas, both at the level of theory and applications.

Call for abstracts : The ROKS-2013 program will feature invited plenary
talks, oral
sessions and poster sessions. Interested participants are cordially
invited to submit
an extended abstract (max. 2 pages) for their contribution. After the
workshop a
number of selected contributions will be invited for an edited book.

For further information see http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/sista/ROKS2013 .

Important dates :
- Deadline extended abstract submission: March 4, 2013
- Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2013
- Deadline for registration: June 3, 2013
- International Workshop ROKS-2013: July 8-10, 2013


16- MOPTA Conference, Lehigh University, August 14-16, 2013
(source: M. Th�ra)

The thirteenth annual Modeling and OPtimization: Theory and Applications
Conference will be held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, on
August 14-16
(Wednesday to Friday), 2013.

This is an invitation for session organizers, contributed talks, and
If interested, then please contact: Frank E. Curtis
<frank.e.curtis at lehigh.edu <mailto:frank.e.curtis at lehigh.edu>>

Current conference and program information is available at:

http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~mopta <http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/%7Emopta>


17- 16th French-German-Polish conference on Optimization, Krakow, Poland
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Voici depuis peu le site web du prochain colloque FGP'13



18- In Memoriam: Robert R. Phelps (1926-2013)
(source: M. Th�ra)

By Jon Borwein, on February 17th, 2013

Robert Ralph Phelps born March 22, 1926 died on January 4, 2013 aged 86,
and we invite you to read the following :



19- Appel � projets pour �coles de recherche CIMPA 2015
(source: M. Th�ra)

Le CIMPA lance son appel � projets annuel pour des �coles de recherche
en 2015. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir publier et diffuser le plus
largement possible l'annonce ci-jointe.
D'avance merci pour votre collaboration.
Bien cordialement,
Claude Cibils
Directeur du CIMPA

4 avenue Joachim
B�t. A
06100 Nice
Tel : (33) 4 92 07 79 30 Fax : (33) 4 92 07 05 02
email : cimpa at unice.fr <mailto:cimpa at unice.fr>


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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