[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Feb 15 12:00:02 CET 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Seminars by: Daneri
* New papers by: Scilla, Verde, Marcellini, Boccellari, Braides, Morandotti, DeSimone, Dal Maso, Mascolo, Farina, Focardi, Valdinoci, Leone, Fusco, Tomarelli
* Modified papers by: Percivale, Spadaro, Carriero, Catino, Piatnitski, Franzina, Stepanov, Tomarelli, Kuusi, Ansini, Nystrom, Braides, Maddalena, Manfredini, Valdinoci, De Lellis, Lindqvist, Focardi, Mingione, Brasco, Dal Maso, Rifford, Pinamonti, Citti, Figalli, Leaci, Carlier, Bonacini, Zeppieri, Paolini, Serra Cassano

--- Seminars next week ---

* Wednesday 20 feb 2013
time: 17:00
Sala Seminari, Department of Mathematics, Pisa University

Dissipative H?lder solutions to the incompressible Euler equations
Sara Daneri (University of Z?rich)

Abstract. Abstract: We consider solutions to the Cauchy problem for the incompressible Euler equations on the 3-dimensional torus which are continuous or H?lder continuous for any exponent $\theta<\frac{1}{16}$. Using the techniques introduced by De Lellis and Szekelyhidi in 2012, we prove the existence of infinitely many (H?lder) continuous initial vector fields starting from which there exist infinitely many (H?lder) continuous solutions with preassigned total kinetic energy.

--- New Papers ---

* Boccellari, Tomarelli: Generic uniqueness of minimizer for Blake & Zisserman functional

* Braides, Scilla: Motion of discrete interfaces in periodic media

* Dal Maso, DeSimone, Morandotti: One-dimensional swimmers in viscous fluids: dynamics, controllability, and existence of optimal controls

* Braides: Local minimization, variational evolution and $\Gamma$-convergence

* Focardi, Fusco, Leone, Marcellini, Mascolo, Verde: Weak lower semicontinuity for polyconvex integrals in the limit case

* Focardi: Semicontinuity of vectorial functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces

* Farina: On the classification of entire local minimizers of the Ginzburg-Landau equation

* Farina, Valdinoci: Gradient bounds for anisotropic partial differential equations

* Farina, Valdinoci: On partially and globally overdetermined problems of elliptic type

--- Modified Papers ---

* Dal Maso, Tomarelli: Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: Euler Equations for  Blake & Zisserman Functional

* Maddalena, Percivale, Tomarelli: Adhesive Flexible Material Structures

* Brasco, Franzina: On the Hong-Krahn-Szego inequality for the $p-$Laplace operator

* Paolini, Stepanov: Existence and regularity results for the Steiner problem

* Figalli: Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities, with applications to the stability of liquid drops and crystals

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: Uniform Density Estimates for Blake & Zisserman Functional

* Bonacini: Epitaxially strained elastic films: the case of anisotropic surface energies

* Braides, Piatnitski: Homogenization of surface and length energies for spin systems

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: About Poincar? Inequalities for Functions Lacking Summability

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: A candidate local minimizer of Blake & Zisserman functional

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: Calculus of Variations and Image Segmentation

* Catino: Critical metrics of the L^2-norm of the scalar curvature

* Focardi, Spadaro: An intrinsic approach to manifold constrained variational problems

* Citti, Manfredini, Pinamonti, Serra Cassano: Smooth approximation for intrinsic Lipschitz functions in the Heisenberg group

* De Lellis, Focardi: Higher integrability of the gradient for minimizers of the 2d Mumford-Shah energy 

* Franzina, Valdinoci: Geometric analysis of fractional phase transition interfaces

* Ansini, Dal Maso, Zeppieri: $\Gamma$-convergence and $H$-convergence of linear elliptic operators

* De Lellis, Focardi: Density lower bound estimates for local minimizers of the 2d Mumford-Shah energy

* Carriero, Leaci, Tomarelli: Free gradient discontinuity and image segmentation

* Brasco, Franzina: A note on positive eigenfunctions and hidden convexity

* Brasco, Carlier: On certain anisotropic elliptic equations arising in congested optimal transport: local gradient bounds

* Figalli, Rifford: Aubry sets, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and Ma?? Conjecture

* Franzina, Lindqvist: An eigenvalue problem with variable exponents

* Kuusi, Mingione, Nystrom: Sharp regularity for evolutionary obstacle problems, interpolative geometries and removable sets

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