[CvGmt News] avviso Colloquio De Giorgi Prof. Alessio Figalli (17.12.2013) - Reminder

valeria.giuliani at sns.it valeria.giuliani at sns.it
Wed Dec 11 10:49:03 CET 2013

Il 02/12/2013 12:05, valeria.giuliani at sns.it ha scritto:
> Colloquio De Giorgi
>     Martedì 17 Dicembre 2013
> ore 16.00
> _Scuola Normale Superiore_
> Pisa
> (Aula Mancini)
> *__*
> *Prof. Alessio Figalli*
> Professor and R. L. Moore Chair
> Department of Mathematics and ICES - The University of Texas at Austin
> //
> Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
> *“Stability results for the semisum of sets in R^n”*
> *//*
> */Abstract:/*
> /Given a Borel A in R^n of positive measure, one can consider its 
> semisum S=(A+A)/2. It is clear that S contains A, and it is not 
> difficult to prove that they have the same measure if and only if A is 
> equal to his convex hull minus a set of measure zero. We now wonder 
> whether this statement is stable: if the measure of S is close to the 
> one of A, is A close to his convex hull? More generally, one may 
> consider the semisum of two different sets A and B, in which case our 
> question corresponds to proving a stability result for the 
> Brunn-Minkowski inequality. When n=1, one can approximate a set with 
> finite unions of intervals to translate the problem to the integers Z. 
> In this  discrete setting the question becomes a well-studied problem 
> in additive combinatorics, usually known as Freiman's Theorem. In this 
> talk, which is intended for a general audience, I will review some 
> results in the one-dimensional discrete setting and show how to answer 
> to the problem in arbitrary dimension./
> //
> Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare
> Classe di Scienze

Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
Tel. 050-509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-Mail: v.giuliani at sns.it
E-Mail: classi at sns.it
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