open positions
Samer Dweik
Assistant Professor, Qatar University
Available papers (21):
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S. Dweik
(Submitted Paper)
Weighted total variation minimization problem with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions
S. Dweik
- P. Rybka - A. Sabra (preprint)
The non-convex planar Least Gradient Problem
S. Dweik
Optimal holes for the $W^{1,\infty}$ Poincaré inequality
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Optimal region for the transport problem to the boundary
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Advances in Calculus of Variations
The least gradient problem with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Summability of the transport density in the import-export transport problem with Riemannian cost
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
BV estimates on the transport density with Dirichlet region on the boundary
S. Dweik
- W. Górny (Accepted Paper:
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Optimal transport approach to sobolev regularity of solutions to the weighted least gradient problem
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
$W^{1,p}$ regularity on the solution of the BV least gradient problem with Dirichlet condition on a part of the boundary
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
Optimal free export/import regions
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper:
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
$L^{p,q}$ estimates on the transport density
S. Dweik
- N. Ghoussoub - A. Z. Palmer (Accepted Paper:
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Optimal controlled transports with free end times subject to import/export tariffs
S. Dweik
W. Górny
(Accepted Paper:
Analysis & PDE
Least gradient problem on annuli
S. Dweik
- G. Mazanti (Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
Sharp semi-concavity in a non-autonomous control problem and $L^p$ estimates in an optimal-exit MFG
S. Dweik
- N. Ghoussoub - Y. H. Kim - A. Z. Palmer (Accepted Paper:
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
Stochastic optimal transport with free end time
S. Dweik
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
Weighted Beckmann problem with boundary costs
S. Dweik
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Calculus of Variations and PDE's
$L^p$ bounds for boundary-to-boundary transport densities, and $W^{1,p}$ bounds for the BV least gradient problem in 2D
S. Dweik
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Transport and control problems with boundary costs: regularity and summability of optimal and equilibrium densities
S. Dweik
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper: COCV)
Summability estimates on transport densities with Dirichlet regions on the boundary via symmetrization techniques
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper: Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées)
Lack of regularity of the transport density in the Monge problem
S. Dweik
(Accepted Paper: Journal of Convex Analysis)
Optimal transportation with boundary costs and summability estimates on the transport density
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