Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

F. Prinari - A. C. Zagati

On the sharp Makai inequality

created by zagati on 13 Jul 2023



Inserted: 13 jul 2023
Last Updated: 13 jul 2023

Pages: 23
Year: 2023

ArXiv: 2307.06086 PDF


On a convex bounded open set, we prove that Poincar\'e-Sobolev constants for functions vanishing at the boundary can be bounded from below in terms of the norm of the distance function in a suitable Lebesgue space. This generalizes a result shown, in the planar case, by E. Makai, for the torsional rigidity. In addition, we compare the sharp Makai constants obtained in the class of convex sets with the optimal constants defined in other classes of open sets. Finally, an alternative proof of the Hersch-Protter inequality for convex sets is given.

Keywords: p-Laplacian, distance function, Inradius, Poincaré-Sobolev constant
