Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

M. Goldman - B. Merlet

A deformation theorem for tensor flat chains and applications (complement to ``Tensor rectifiable $G$-flat chains'')

created by goldman on 12 Dec 2022



Inserted: 12 dec 2022
Last Updated: 12 dec 2022

Year: 2022


In this note we extend White's deformation theorem for $G$-flat chains to the setting of $G$-flat \emph{tensor} chains. As a corollary we obtain that the groups of \emph{normal tensor} chains identify with some subgroups of normal chains. Moreover the corresponding natural group isomorphisms are isometric with respect to norms based on the~\emph{coordinate slicing mass}.

The coordinate slicing mass of a $k$-chain is the integral of the mass of its $0$-slices along all coordinate-planes of codimension $k$. The fact that this quantity is equivalent to the usual mass is not straightforward. To prove it, we use the deformation theorem and a partial extension of the restriction operator defined for all chains (not only of finite mass).

On the contrary, except in some limit or degenerate cases, the whole groups of tensor chains and of finite mass tensor chains do not identify naturally with subgroups of chains.
