Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

E. Marconi - E. Radici - F. Stra

Stability of quasi-entropy solutions of non-local scalar conservation laws

created by marconi on 07 Nov 2022
modified by radici on 05 Jun 2024


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 7 nov 2022
Last Updated: 5 jun 2024

Year: 2022


We prove the stability of entropy solutions of nonlinear conservation laws with respect to perturbations of the initial datum, the space-time dependent flux and the entropy inequalities. Such a general stability theorem is motivated by the study of problems in which the flux $P[u](t,x,u)$ depends possibly non-locally on the solution itself. For these problems we show the conditional existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions. Moreover, the relaxation of the entropy inequality allows to treat approximate solutions arising from various numerical schemes. This can be used to derive the rate of convergence of the recent particle method introduced in Radici-Stra 2021 to solve a one-dimensional model of traffic with congestion, as well as recover already known rates for some other approximation methods.
