Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. Antonelli - S. Nardulli - M. Pozzetta

The isoperimetric problem via direct method in noncompact metric measure spaces with lower Ricci bounds

created by pozzetta1 on 11 Jan 2022
modified on 09 Dec 2023


Published Paper

Inserted: 11 jan 2022
Last Updated: 9 dec 2023

Journal: ESAIM: COCV
Year: 2022
Doi: 10.1051/cocv/2022052

ArXiv: 2201.03525 PDF


We establish a structure theorem for minimizing sequences for the isoperimetric problem on noncompact $\mathsf{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces $(X,\mathsf{d},\mathcal{H}^N)$. Under the sole (necessary) assumption that the measure of unit balls is uniformly bounded away from zero, we prove that the limit of such a sequence is identified by a finite collection of isoperimetric regions possibly contained in pointed Gromov--Hausdorff limits of the ambient space $X$ along diverging sequences of points. The number of such regions is bounded linearly in terms of the measure of the minimizing sequence.

The result follows from a new generalized compactness theorem, which identifies the limit of a sequence of sets $E_i\subset X_i$ with uniformly bounded measure and perimeter, where $(X_i,\mathsf{d}_i,\mathcal{H}^N)$ is an arbitrary sequence of $\mathsf{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces.

An abstract criterion for a minimizing sequence to converge without losing mass at infinity to an isoperimetric set is also discussed. The latter criterion is new also for smooth Riemannian spaces.