Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Y. Giga - F. Onoue - K. Takasao

A varifold formulation of mean curvature flow with Dirichlet or dynamic boundary conditions

created by onoue on 07 Oct 2019
modified on 26 May 2022


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 7 oct 2019
Last Updated: 26 may 2022

Journal: Differential and Integral Equations
Year: 2021

ArXiv: 1810.09107 PDF


We consider the sharp interface limit of the Allen-Cahn equation with Dirichlet or dynamic boundary conditions and give a varifold characterization of its limit which is formally a mean curvature flow with Dirichlet or dynamic boundary conditions. In order to show the existence of the limit, we apply the phase field method under the vanishing on the boundary and the boundedness of the discrepancy measure. For this purpose, we extend the usual Brakke flow under these boundary conditions by the first variations for varifolds on the boundary.
