Submitted Paper
Inserted: 12 sep 2019
Last Updated: 12 sep 2019
Year: 2019
We address the questions (P1), (P2) asked in Kirchheim-Muller-Sverak (2003) concerning the structure of the Rank-$1$ convex hull of a submanifold $\mathcal{K}_1\subset M^{3\times 2}$ that is related to weak solutions of the two by two system of Lagrangian equations of elasticity studied by DiPerna (1985) with one entropy augmented. This system serves as a model problem for higher order systems for which there are only finitely many entropies. The Rank-$1$ convex hull is of interest in the study of solutions via convex integration: the Rank-$1$ convex hull needs to be sufficiently non-trivial for convex integration to be possible. Such non-triviality is typically shown by embedding a $\mathbb{T}_4$ (Tartar square) into the set. We show that in the strictly hyperbolic, genuinely nonlinear case considered by DiPerna (1985), no $\mathbb{T}_4$ configuration can be embedded into $\mathcal{K}_1$.
Keywords: Rank-1 convex hull, Systems of conservation laws.