Published Paper
Inserted: 31 jul 2019
Last Updated: 26 feb 2024
Journal: Geometriae Dedicata
Volume: 201
Number: 1
Pages: 1-12
Year: 2019
Doi: 10.1007/s10711-018-0416-4
For a complete noncompact connected Riemannian manifold with bounded geometry $M^n$, we prove that the isoperimetric profile function $I_{M^n}$ is a locally $\left(1-\frac{1}{n}\right)$-H\"older continuous function and so in particular it is continuous. Here for bounded geometry we mean that $M$ have $Ricci$ curvature bounded below and volume of balls of radius $1$, uniformly bounded below with respect to its centers. We prove also the equivalence of the weak and strong formulation of the isoperimetric profile function in complete Riemannian manifolds which is based on a lemma having its own interest about the approximation of finite perimeter sets with finite volume by open bounded with smooth boundary ones of the same volume. Finally the upper semicontinuity of the isoperimetric profile for every metric (not necessarily complete) is shown.