Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

M. Novaga - A. Pluda

Elastic networks, statics and dynamics

created by novaga on 20 Nov 2018
modified on 28 Dec 2020


Published Paper

Inserted: 20 nov 2018
Last Updated: 28 dec 2020

Journal: Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
Volume: 85
Pages: 325-336
Year: 2020

in "The role of Metrics in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations", Proceedings of the "11th Mathematical Society of Japan Seasonal Institute" held in Sapporo in July 2018.

Links: web page of the "11th Mathematical Society of Japan Seasonal Institute"


We consider planar networks minimizing the elastic energy, we state an existence and regularity result, and we discuss some geometric properties of minimal con figurations. We also consider the evolution of networks by the gradient flow of the energy, and we give a well-posedness result in the case of natural boundary conditions.
