Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

M. F. Bidaut-Véron - G. Hoang - Q. H. Nguyen - L. Véron

An elliptic semilinear equation with source term and boundary measure data: the supercritical case

created by nguyen on 22 Jul 2018


Published Paper

Inserted: 22 jul 2018
Last Updated: 22 jul 2018

Journal: Journal of Functional Analysis
Year: 2015


We give new criteria for the existence of weak solutions to equation with source term $ -\Delta u = u^q $ in $\Omega$, $u=\sigma$ on $\partial\Omega $ where $q>1$, $\Omega$ is a either a bounded smooth domain or $\mathbb{R}_+^{N}$ and $\sigma\in \mathbf{M}^+(\partial\Omega)$ is a nonnegative Radon measure on $\partial\Omega$. In particular, one of the criteria is expressed in terms of some Bessel capacities on $\partial\Omega$. We also give a sufficient condition for the existence of weak solutions to equation with source mixed term. $ -\Delta u =
\nabla u
^{q_2}$ in $\Omega$, $u=\sigma$ on $\partial\Omega$ where $q_1,q_2\geq 0, q_1+q_2>1, q_2<2$, $\sigma\in \mathbf{M}(\partial\Omega)$ is a Radon measure on $\partial\Omega$.
