Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

E. Durand-Cartagena - J. Á. Jaramillo - N. Shanmugalingam

Existence and uniqueness of $\infty$-harmonic functions under assumption of $\infty$-Poincaré inequality

created by durandcar on 20 Jul 2016
modified by shanmugal on 13 Oct 2018


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 20 jul 2016
Last Updated: 13 oct 2018

Journal: Mathematische Annalen
Year: 2018
Doi: 10.1007/s00208-018-1747-z

Revised; July 2018

Links: Online first


Given a complete metric measure space whose measure is doubling and supports an $\infty$-Poincaré inequality, and a bounded domain $\Omega$ in such a space together with a Lipschitz function $f:\partial\Omega\to\mathbb{R}$ we show the existence and uniqueness of an $\infty$-harmonic extension of $f$ to $\Omega$. We also show that in the event that the metric on the metric space has an $\infty$-weak Fubini property, the notion of $\infty$-harmonic functions coincide with the notion of AMLEs proposed by Aronsson. As an auxiliary tool we show that given that the measure on the metric space is doubling and supports an $\infty$-Poincar\'e inequality, one can construct a metric bi-Lipschitz equivalent to the original one, with respect to which the metric space has an $\infty$-weak Fubini property. The notion of $\infty$-harmonicity is in general distinct from the notion of strongly absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extensions found in Crandall-Evans-Gariepy,Juutinen,Juutinen-Shanmugalingam, but coincides when the metric space supports a $p$-Poincaré inequality for some finite $p\ge1$.
