Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

L. Ambrosio - F. Stra - D. Trevisan

Weak and strong convergence of derivations and stability of flows with respect to MGH convergence

created by trevisan on 17 Mar 2016
modified on 10 Jun 2017


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 17 mar 2016
Last Updated: 10 jun 2017

Year: 2016

ArXiv: 1603.05561 PDF


This paper is devoted to the study of weak and strong convergence of derivations, and of the flows associated to them, when dealing with a sequence of metric measure structures (X,d,mn), mn weakly convergent to m. In particular, under curvature assumptions, either only on the limit metric structure (X,d,m) or on the whole sequence of metric measure spaces, we provide several stability results.

Keywords: metric measure spaces, ODE flow, MGH convergence, convergence of flows
