Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Passarelli di Napoli

Higher differentiability of minimizers of variational integrals with Sobolev coeffcients

created by passarell on 17 Oct 2012
modified on 22 Oct 2012


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 17 oct 2012
Last Updated: 22 oct 2012

Journal: Advances in Calculus of Variations
Year: 2012


In this paper we consider integral functionals with convex integrand satisfying p growth conditions with respect to the gradient variable. As a novel feature, the dependence of the integrand on the x-variable is allowed to be through a Sobolev function. We prove local higher diff erentiability results for local minimizers of the functional F, establishing uniform higher di fferentiability estimates for solutions to a class of auxiliary problems, constructed adding singular higher order perturbations to the integrand. Furthermore, we prove a dimension free higher integrability result for the gradient of local minimizers, by the use of a weighted version of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality.
