open positions
Keyword: isoperimetric problem
Papers related to keyword:
G. Antonelli
E. Pasqualetto
M. Pozzetta
D. Semola
Mathematische Annalen
Asymptotic isoperimetry on non collapsed spaces with lower Ricci bounds
K. Bessas
M. Novaga
F. Onoue
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
On the shape of small liquid drops minimizing nonlocal energies
G. Antonelli
E. Pasqualetto
M. Pozzetta
D. Semola
(Accepted Paper:
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Sharp isoperimetric comparison on non-collapsed spaces with lower Ricci bounds
Q. Xia
B. Zhou
Advances in Calculus of Variations
The existence of minimizers for an isoperimetric problem with Wasserstein penalty term in unbounded domains
A. Pratelli
G. Saracco
Adv. Nonlinear Stud.
The $\varepsilon-\varepsilon^\beta$ property in the isoperimetric problem with double density, and the regularity of isoperimetric sets
V. Scattaglia
A formula for the minimal perimeter of clusters with density
V. Franceschi
R. Monti
- A. Righini -
M. Sigalotti
Journal of Geometric Analysis
The isoperimetric problem for regular and crystalline norms in $\mathbb H^1$
A. Saracco
G. Saracco
Netw. Heterog. Media
A discrete districting plan
A. Pratelli
G. Saracco
Nonlinear Anal.
On the isoperimetric problem with double density
A. Cañete
- Michele Miranda Jr. -
D. Vittone
J. Geom. Anal.
Some isoperimetric problems in planes with density
G. Alberti
- R. Choksi - F. Otto (
J. Amer. Math. Soc.
Uniform energy distribution for an isoperimetric problem with long-range interactions
D. Bucur
G. Buttazzo
- A. Henrot (Preprint)
Minimization of $\lambda_2(\Omega)$ with a perimeter constraint
G. P. Leonardi
S. Masnou
Annali di Mat. Pura Appl.
On the isoperimetric problem in the Heisenberg group ${\mathbf{H^n}}$
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