open positions
Keyword: divergence-measure fields
Papers related to keyword:
G. E. Comi
G. P. Leonardi
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
Measures in the dual of $BV$: perimeter bounds and relations with divergence-measure fields
G. E. Comi
- G. Crasta -
V. De Cicco
A. Malusa
Journal of Functional Analysis
Representation formulas for pairings between divergence-measure fields and $BV$ functions
G. E. Comi
V. De Cicco
G. Scilla
Beyond $BV$: new pairings and Gauss-Green formulas for measure fields with divergence measure
L. Bungert
- Y. Korolev (
Communications of the American Mathematical Society
Eigenvalue Problems in $\mathrm{L}^\infty$: Optimality Conditions, Duality, and Relations with Optimal Transport
V. Buffa
G. E. Comi
M. Miranda Jr
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana
On $BV$ functions and essentially bounded divergence-measure fields in metric spaces
G. E. Comi
V. Magnani
Adv. Math.
The Gauss-Green theorem in stratified groups
I. Lucardesi
M. Morandotti
R. Scala
D. Zucco
Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
Upscaling of screw dislocations with increasing tangential strain
G. Q. Chen -
G. E. Comi
- M. Torres (
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Cauchy fluxes and Gauss-Green formulas for divergence-measure fields over general open sets
I. Lucardesi
M. Morandotti
R. Scala
D. Zucco
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
Confinement of dislocations inside a crystal with a prescribed external strain
G. E. Comi
- K. R. Payne (
Adv. Calc. Var.
On locally essentially bounded divergence measure fields and sets of locally finite perimeter
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