8 feb 2023 - 10 feb 2023 [open in google calendar]
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Campus Monte S. Angelo
Scope of the workshop is to gather young and more expert scholars working on the field of variational methods in applied mathematics. This is a lively research area with a variety of interesting challenges spanning from fundamental modeling issues to rigorous mathematical foundations, a the intersection point among continuum mechanics, calculus of variations, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations, and nonlinear functional analysis.
Young participants have the possibility to apply to present a poster during a poster session.
Organizers: Maicol Caponi, Federico Dipasquale, Giovanni Scilla, Francesco Solombrino, Bianca Stroffolini.
Speakers: Barbora Benesova, Marco Bresciani, Marco Cicalese, Vito Crismale, Francesco De Anna, Lucia De Luca, Martin Kruzik, Giuliano Lazzaroni, Roberta Marziani, Marco Morandotti, Adriano Pisante, Florian Theil.