Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Calculus of Variations in Lille - 3rd edition

created by pegon1 on 21 Oct 2021
modified on 10 Nov 2021

4 jul 2022 - 6 jul 2022   [open in google calendar]

Lille, France

The aim of this 3-day workshop is to bring together experts and young researchers in Calculus of Variations with applications in different areas of physics, mechanics and image processing.

Organizers: Benoit Merlet, Andrea Natale, Marc Pegon.

Speakers: Giovanni Alberti, Dorin Bucur, Guillaume Carlier, Adriana Garroni, Michael Goldman, Radu Ignat, Gian Paolo Leonardi, Elio Marconi, Annalisa Massaccesi, Gabriel Peyré, Carola Schönlieb, Maria G. Westdickenberg.