Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Online workshop in Geometric Analysis

created by pluda on 03 Dec 2020
modified on 09 Dec 2020

15 dec 2020 - 17 dec 2020   [open in google calendar]


We are pleased to announce the “Online workshop in Geometric Analysis” that will be held on the online communication platform MS Team.

It gathers young researchers that work in Mathematical Analysis with a strong focus on geometric applications.

Schedule: 15 December 2020

16:30-17:15 - Alberto Roncoroni - Serrin’s type problems in Riemannian manifolds

17:30-18:15 - Ekaterina Mukoseeva - The sharp isocapacitary inequality: the case of p-capacity

16 December 2020

16:30-17:15 - Ilaria Mondello - Limits of Riemannian manifolds with a bound on the Kato constant

17:30-18:15 - Alessandro Pigati - Codimension two area and Yang-Mills-Higgs

17 December 2020

16:30-17:15 - Fabian Rupp - The volume-preserving Willmore flow

17:30-18:15 - Marco Pozzetta - On the smooth convergence of geometric flows

No registration is needed. To partecipate just click on the following link some minutes before the starting of the seminars:

Organizers: Mattia Fogagnolo, Alessandra Pluda.

Speakers: Ilaria Mondello, Ekaterina Mukoseeva, Alessandro Pigati, Marco Pozzetta, Alberto Roncoroni, Fabian Rupp.
