open positions
Giandomenico Orlandi
Professor, Dip. Informatica Univ. Verona
Available papers (38):
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D. Corona
S. Nardulli
- R. Oliver-Bonafoux -
G. Orlandi
- P. Piccione (Submitted Paper:
Multiplicity results for mass constrained Allen-Cahn equations on Riemannian manifolds with boundary
S. Baldo
V. P. C. Le
A. Massaccesi
G. Orlandi
Mathematics in Engineering
Energy minimizing maps with prescribed singularities and Gilbert-Steiner optimal networks
G. Canevari
- Federico Luigi Dipasquale -
G. Orlandi
The Yang-Mills-Higgs functional on complex line bundles: $Γ$-convergence and the London equation
M. Bonafini
V. P. C. Le
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Nonlinear Analysis
On the obstacle problem for fractional semilinear wave equations
G. Canevari
G. Orlandi
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Topological singular set of vector-valued maps, II: $\Gamma$-convergence for Ginzburg-Landau type functionals
G. Canevari
G. Orlandi
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Functional Analysis
Lifting for manifold-valued maps of bounded variation
G. Canevari
G. Orlandi
(Accepted Paper:
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Improved partial regularity for manifold-constrained minimisers of subquadratic energies
M. Bonafini
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Nonlinear Analysis
A variational scheme for hyperbolic obstacle problems
G. Canevari
G. Orlandi
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. PDE
Topological singular set of vector-valued maps, I: Applications to manifold-constrained Sobolev and BV spaces
M. Bonafini
G. Orlandi
E. Oudet
Advances in Calculus of Variations
Variational approximation of functionals defined on 1-dimensional connected sets in $\mathbb{R}^n$
M. Bonafini
G. Orlandi
E. Oudet
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Variational approximation of functionals defined on 1-dimensional connected sets: the planar case
J. Calvo -
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
J. Evol. Eqs.
Parabolic equations in time dependent domains
P. Athavale - R. L. Jerrard -
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Journal of Convex Analysis
Weighted TV minimization and applications to vortex density models
R. L. Jerrard -
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Comm. Contemp. Math.
On the regularity of timelike extremal surfaces
G. Bellettini
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Discrete Cont. Dynam. System A
Eventual regularity for the parabolic minimal surface equation
S. Baldo
- R. L. Jerrard -
G. Orlandi
- H. M. Soner (
Comm. Math. Physics
Vortex density models for superconductivity and superfluidity
A. Daducci - A. Marigonda -
G. Orlandi
- R. Posenato (
Comm. Pure Appl. Analysis
Neuronal fiber-tracking via optimal mass transportation
S. Baldo
- R. L. Jerrard -
G. Orlandi
- H. M. Soner (
Archive Rat. Mech. Analysis
Convergence of Ginzburg-Landau functionals in 3-d superconductivity
G. Bellettini
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Lorentzian varifolds and applications to closed relativistic strings
A. Briani
- A. Chambolle -
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Confluentes Mathematici
On the gradient flow of a one-homogeneous functional
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
J. Differential Equations
Slow motion for gradient systems with equal depth multiple-well potentials
G. Bellettini
- J. Hoppe -
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Closure and convexity properties of closed relativistic strings
G. Bellettini
M. Novaga
G. Orlandi
Physica D
Time-like lorentzian minimal submanifolds as singular limits of nonlinear wave equations
S. Baldo
G. Orlandi
- S. Weitkamp (
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Convergence of minimizers with local energy bounds for the Ginzburg-Landau functionals.
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
CRM Proc. Lecture Notes
On the Cauchy problem for phase and vortices in the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Quantization and motion law for Ginzburg-Landau vortices
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
Comm. Math. Phys.
Dynamics of multiple-degree Ginzburg-Landau vortices
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
Ann. of Math.
Convergence of the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation to motion by mean curvature
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Improved estimates for the Ginzburg-Landau equation: the elliptic case
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
Duke Math. J.
Collisions and phase-vortex interactions in dissipative Ginzburg-Landau dynamics
G. Alberti
S. Baldo
G. Orlandi
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Variational convergence for functionals of Ginzburg-Landau type
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
- D. Smets (
J. Eur. Math. Soc.
Vortex rings for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
G. Alberti
S. Baldo
G. Orlandi
J. Eur. Math. Soc.
Functions with prescribed singularities
F. Bethuel -
G. Orlandi
Uniform estimates for the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation
S. Baldo
G. Orlandi
Ann. Global Anal. Geom.
Fiber bundles and regular approximation of codimension-one cycles
F. Bethuel - J. Bourgain - H. Brezis -
G. Orlandi
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris Serie 1
$W^{1,p}$ estimates for solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equation with boundary data in $H^{1/2}$
F. Bethuel - H. Brezis -
G. Orlandi
J. Funct. Anal.
Asymptotics for the Ginzburg-Landau equation in arbitrary dimensions
F. Bethuel - H. Brezis -
G. Orlandi
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, serie 1
Small energy solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equation
6 sep 2021:
Topological singular set for vector-valued maps and applications
30 jun 2025 - 4 jul 2025:
Topics in Geometric Measure Theory
6 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
Variational methods and applications
24 apr 2017 - 26 apr 2017:
Transport problems in Zurich
10 jul 2023 - 14 jul 2023:
C.I.M.E. course 2023 - Variational and PDE Methods in Nonlinear Science
11 jun 2018 - 15 jun 2018:
Geometric Measure Theory in Verona
26 jun 2017 - 30 jun 2017:
Curves and Networks in Geometric Analysis
6 oct 2014 - 24 oct 2014:
Autumn School in Mathematical Imaging and Statistical Learning
21 oct 2013 - 31 oct 2013:
Autumn School in Image Processing
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