Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

L. Ambrosio

Fine properties of sets of finite perimeter in doubling metric measure spaces

created on 30 Sep 2001
modified on 25 Sep 2014


Published Paper

Inserted: 30 sep 2001
Last Updated: 25 sep 2014

Journal: Set Valued Analysis
Volume: 10
Pages: 111-128
Year: 2002


In this paper we prove that the perimeter measure is concentrated on the essential boundary of the set and that it is representable by an Hausdorff-type measure. Moreover, the perimeter measure satisfies an asymptotic doubling condition useful for differentiation purposes. The results of this paper are valid in a general setting which includes any Carnot--Carathéodory space; we obtain them by a refinement of the techinques introduced in previou paper, relative to Ahlfors regular metric measure spaces.
