Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. A. Francfort - A. Garroni

A variational view of partial brittle damage evolution

created by garroni on 14 Mar 2005
modified on 27 Dec 2006


Published Paper

Inserted: 14 mar 2005
Last Updated: 27 dec 2006

Journal: Arch. Rat. Mech.
Volume: 182
Pages: 125-152
Year: 2006


Under time-dependent loading, an elastic material is undergoing the simplest form of damage, that which consists in passing from its original state to a weaker elastic state. Elaborating on prior work by Fracfort and Marigo, we establish existence of a relaxed variational evolution where, at each time, the two states of the material combine to form a fine mixture, optimal from the standpoint of the applied load at that time, yet preserving the irreversibility of the damaging process.
