Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Seminario MAP: Free boundary regularity in the one-phase Stefan problem: a recent perturbative approach

Nicolò Forcillo

created by bessas on 09 Mar 2022

17 mar 2022 -- 14:30   [open in google calendar]

Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula Seminari

Analysis Seminar organized by PhD students at the University of Pisa.


In this talk, we focus on the free boundary regularity in the one-phase Stefan problem. Specifically, we describe a recent perturbative approach to the study of this. In the first part, we introduce some general notions and results connected with free boundary problems. In the second part, we deal with the specific topic of the talk, providing the key steps of the method. This talk is based on a joint work with D. De Silva and O. Savin.