Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Differentiating in a non-differentiable environment (Colloquio De Giorgi)

Nicola Gigli (SISSA)

created by malchiodi on 23 Nov 2021

26 nov 2021 -- 14:30   [open in google calendar]

Aula Dini (on-line) and Zoom

\underlione{The speaker will be connected remotely}

Web site: http:/www.crm.sns.itevent493

In person registration: http:/www.crm.sns.itevent493registration.html

Zoom link for online participation: https:/us02web.zoom.usj83942828284?pwd=b0dyWmpsUjViY3pDQy9GYm9pK0tXZz09

In the event of impediments due to covid-19 pandemic measures, the lecture will run completely from remote on the same date.


We all know what the differential of a smooth map from R to R is. By looking at coordinates and then at charts, we also know what it is the differential of a smooth map between differentiable manifolds.

With a little bit of work, we can also define a (weak) differential for SobolevBV maps in this setting (but the case of manifold-valued maps presents challenges already at this level).

In this talk I will discuss how it is possible to differentiate maps between spaces that have no underlying differentiable structure at all. The concepts of SobolevBV maps in this setting will also be discussed.