Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Minimal energy solutions and bifurcation results for a weakly couled nonlinear Schroedinger system

Rainer Mandel

created by malchiodi on 06 Nov 2015
modified on 11 Nov 2015

12 nov 2015 -- 14:00   [open in google calendar]

Scuola Normale Superiore, Aula Bianchi Scienze


In this talk I intend to give a panoramic view on existence results for fully nontrivial solutions of a weakly coupled cubic nonlinear Schroedinger system which have been obtained during the past ten years. Amongst other things I will show that in 2D and 3D positive solutions exist and converge to a solution of some optimal partition problem as the coupling parameter tends to minus infinity whereas this phenomenon does not occur when the space dimension is 1.