Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

The p-Laplace eigenvalue problem in a Finsler metric

Marino Belloni (Dip. Mat. Univ. Parma)

created by alberti on 22 Apr 2004

6 may 2004


Seminari di Calcolo delle Variazioni

quando: Giovedi' 6 maggio, ore 14.30:

dove: centro De Giorgi

chi: Marino Belloni (Universita' di Parma)

cosa: The p-Laplace eigenvalue problem in a Finsler metric

abstract: We consider the p-Laplacian operator on a domain equipped with a Finsler metric. We recall relevant properties of its first eigenfunction for finite p and investigate, in the viscosity solutions setting, the limit problem as p tends to infinity.

posted by Giovanni Alberti