Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PhD position at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

created by hientzsch on 14 Jan 2025

Deadline: 7 feb 2025

Within the Collaborative Research Center “Wave phenomena – analysis and numerics” (CRC 1173) we are currently seeking to recruit, as soon as possible,

a Doctoral Researcher in Mathematics, specifically in the analysis of (nonlinear) PDEs.

The CRC has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2015. Its goal is to analytically understand, numerically simulate, and eventually manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios by intertwining analysis and numerics.

The proposed doctoral project concerns the mathematical analysis of dispersive phenomena in compressible flows, related to the propagation of nonlinear waves. A particular focus will lie on qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions to models for quantum fluids e.g. as quantized vortices appearing in Bose-Einstein condensates or superfluid helium.