Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Postdoc position in PDE in Barcelona

created by ros-oton on 05 Dec 2024

Deadline: 15 jan 2025

A postdoctoral position is now open in Barcelona, in the PDE group, funded by the AEI (Spain) & DFG (Germany). The position will start in September 2025 and is for two years, with a gross salary of around 35.000€ per year.

The selected candidate will be based in Barcelona and will be expected to work with Xavier Ros-Oton (Barcelona) and Matteo Bonforte (Madrid).

Applications should include:

- CV

- Motivation letter or Research Statement

Applications will be considered on a continuing basis, with deadline on January 15th, 2025.


Send the documents to

The title of the email should be: "Postdoc application PDE - NAME OF CANDIDATE"