Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

2-year postdoc positions at Université Paris-Cité

created by höfer on 29 Oct 2024

Deadline: 15 jan 2025

- Location: Université Paris-Cité, 75013 Paris France
- Duration: 24 months (for each postdoc position)
- Start date: between May and October 2025
- Net salary : around 2400€ per month
- No teaching

Two postdocs positions are open at Université Paris-Cité (UPC) within the IMJ-PRG institute. The two positions are funded by the ANR-DFG project SUSPENSIONS, dedicated to the analysis and mathematical derivation of models describing many particles in a fluid. The persons recruited will contribute to one of the following objectives of the project:

Derivation of effective equations starting from underlying microscopic models (fluid-mechanics analysis, homogenization, optimal transport) Analysis of PDE models for suspensions (fluid-kinetic theory, non local non-linear transport equations), for instance with regard to existence, uniqueness and qualitative properties such as long-time behavior of solutions, controllability, (in)stability of equilibria.

They will work under the supervision of one or several members of the project : D. Gérard-Varet, A. Mecherbet, F. Sueur. There will be possible interactions with the members of the project located in Germany (Regensburg and Bonn).

People interested should apply by sending an email to containing a single PDF document including the elements below:

- Cover letter
- CV and list of publications
- Research description (maximum 2 pages)

Support letters can be sent at the same address. For further inquiries please email to