Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Doctoral and postdoctoral positions at Mathematics Münster

created by zeppieri1 on 01 Oct 2024

Deadline: 1 nov 2024

Open Call: Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions at Mathematics Münster

Be part of Mathematics Münster!

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure at the University of Münster, Germany invites applications for doctoral and postdoctoral positions in all mathematical fields related to the work being undertaken at Mathematics Münster.

Doctoral positions

We offer fully funded doctoral positions (75% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L) for three years. Kickstart your scientific journey and benefit from the amenities of the Cluster of Excellence and the Mathematics Münster Graduate School, including funding for conference travel, summer schools, or co-organizing academic events, and participate in numerous networking opportunities.

Postdoc positions

We offer full positions (100% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L) for three years. Establish your own research profile in our stimulating environment and benefit from the amenities of the Cluster of Excellence, including funding for conference travel, hosting guest researchers, and organizing academic events.