Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

1 year Post-doc position in Bologna: Sub-Riemannian PDEs, minima of functionals and application to brain modelling

created by citti on 29 May 2024

Deadline: 23 jun 2024

1 year Post-doc position in Bologna: Sub-Riemannian PDEs, minima of functionals and application to brain modelling

The postdoc research can choose to work on one of the following aspects of geometric analysis: geometric analysis of sub-Riemannian spaces, Elliptic, sub-Elliptic, parabolic PDEs, geometric flows, regularity of local minimizers of degenerate elliptic functionals, applications to vision and brain modelling.

Depending on the chosen topic, the grant holder will collaborate with one or more of the members of the research group composed of Giovanna Citti, Annalisa Baldi, Andrea Bonfiglioli, Giovanni Cupini, Annamaria Montanari, Daniele Morbidelli, Maria Carla Tesi.

All other information is contained in the call for applications posted at the following link