Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PhD position in Mathematics of Machine Learning at the University of Würzburg

created by bungert on 23 May 2024
modified on 21 Jun 2024

Deadline: 31 jul 2024

A PhD position will be available in the group of Prof. Leon Bungert at the University of Würzburg, with a tentative start in late summer or fall 2024.

The position is funded for three years by the German Research Foundation to work on the project "GeoMAR: Geometric Methods for Adversarial Robustness". There is no teaching duty associated with this position and the gross salary is approximately 41,000 € per year.

For further details see the job advertisement. Please send your questions and applications to

The review of the applications will start in June 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.