Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

postdoc position at CNR-IMATI, Pavia (Italy) under the mentorship of Laura Spinolo

created by crippa on 17 May 2024

Deadline: 12 jun 2024

Dear colleagues,

applications are now open for a one year postdoc position at CNR-IMATI, Pavia (Italy) under the mentorship of Laura Spinolo on the topic ''Analysis of fluid dynamic traffic models for vehicular traffic''. Candidates with a solid background on either mathematical or numerical analysis are invited to apply.

The position comes with no teaching load and will benefit from strong interactions with the PRIN 2022 PNRR Project ''Heterogeneity on the road (Hero-MAC)''. Further details on the position and the application guidelines are available at the website linked below.

Application deadline: June 12, 2024.

Should you have any further inquiry, please feel free to email me at spinolo AT

IMATI is an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and has three sections (Pavia, Genova and Milano). The section in Pavia is located in the campus of the University of Pavia and has strong interactions with the nearby Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to anybody who might be interested. I apologize in advance for cross-postings.

Yours Sincerely,

Laura Spinolo