Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

18 months Postdoc position University of Naples Federico II

created by almi1 on 06 Nov 2023
modified on 08 Nov 2023

Deadline: 11 dec 2023

The position is of 18 months, funded by the FRA project "Regularity and Singularity in Analysis, PDEs, and Applied Sciences". Members of the research group are: Stefano Almi, Umberto De Maio, Francesco Di Plinio, and Chiara Leone.

The project is aimed at the study of qualitative and quantitative regularity issues in Free Discontinuity Problems, PDEs, Control Theory, and Harmonic Analysis. In particular, it focuses on (i) lower-semicontinuity and relaxation of functionals characterized by non-standard growth conditions; (ii) symmetry representation theorems for compressions of singular integrals to domains of limited smoothness and for operator-valued singular integrals acting on UMD Banach spaces; (iii) exact controllability of PDEs in fast oscillating domains.

The gross salary is of approx. 22.500€ per year. Expected starting date is 1.3.2024.

Applications have to be sent by email to by December 11th, 2023, 10am at latest, reporting as subject "Domanda concorso Assegni RIF. TIPBDMA2023-07".

For more details, please refer to the link below.

Please contact for any question.